December 27, 2007
Congratulations NIRA! (IM HOME!!!)
We actually won the title? Again?! For real?!
I'm still in shock okay. OMG! WE WON!
Berkat kerja keras kami. Walaupun ader la hiccups here and there.. tapi tu somer pon dah abiss..
When I touched down Jakarta, dah on hp... dapat mesej dari akak Lela kiter..
Kiter dah dalam hati "Tak menang takpe. Janji jorjeous (gorgeous) on stage. LOL". So aku pun cepat2 la tepon ni akak Lela pakai hp mak kiter. (Maklomlah, hp kiter ni pakai prepaid. Dah tgl 61cent ajer. Seb baik auto-roam ader. At least ader up sikit.)
"Kiter menang pakaian terbaik?"
"Ak ah. And we won!"
"Wah, pakaian terbaik seyy!"
(Memandangkan Lela dgr kiter mcm tkde reaction gitu.. dier pon repeat la lagik. Lagipon kiter ni tak dgr aper Lela ckap)
"Huh? APER?!" (biar betik?)
"KITER DAPAT PIALA SRIKANDI! WE WON!" (background voice of FISH "3 tahun siaakkk")
(part ni suare kiter dah high pitch, kat dalam Jakarta airport, tgh carik luggage)
Kiter pon dah macam nak nangis time tu. Awww.. touching ke aper. Tak ku sangka seyy.. Seriously, tak sangka punyeerrrr...
Kiter pon dgn hati yang dah excited nak mampos, blg ah nenek dgn mak kiter. Tak lei angkat tau. Dah holiday kat Jakarta, aper lagi.. berseronok ah!
Tahniah Nira.
Segala kerja keras dan "sacrifices" yang dah dilakukan semuanya berbaloi.
(Aku luper sacrifice dalam bahasa mayoo aper. heh.)
Alhamdulillah.. Syukur
Sekarang korang2 somer boleh enjoy the "fruits of your labour".
Dah tak yah nak amik kunci kat sports hall dari budak PC (perangai Sai).
Dah tak yah nak mengigau, tepuk2 tangan buat ragam sewaktu tidur (perangai Fish).
Dah tak yah nak siram2 pokok sendirian (perangai Liyana).
Dah tak yah nak terkinja-kinja dengan kepak2 (perangai Caca).
Dah tak yah nak me-laku-kan perjualan mak Caca dengan mee maggi goreng nya (perangai SOOOMEERR)
Dah tak yah nak jalan straight line cam choo choo train nak pegi makan (perangai SOOMEERRR jugak)
Dah tak yah nak terjerit2 cam org tak siuman di bawah bridge(perangai awok2 dan juara)
Dah tak yah nak tengok gong stand jatuh 2 kali (tak nak sebut ah. lol)
Dah tak yah nak nangis2 lagi mcm budak2 emo (perangai SOMER yang sesuai dalam kategori ini)
Dan macam-macam "tak yah" lagik....
Korang enjoy2 la puas2 sebab 1 minggu holiday korang dah terpakai untuk Khatu. Selagi holiday ada, pergi enjoy eh.
Balak Khatu pon dah over. Apa lagi.. enjooooyyyyy...!!!
Mau pah outing?! 30th December? Picnic? Makan malam? Bermandi-manda di pantai? Response ASAP!
December 23, 2007
Syukur! =)

I dunno what else to say because I think what needs to be said has already been said on the night before the competition itself... =)
But thank you all... No matter how big or small your sacrifices for Nira is, you've all done your part. Thank you!
Now, read the verse of the wau bulan... You know what it means.. If we stay together, we can continue to bloom. Insya Allah....
This form was submitted: Dec 16 2007 / 06:46:44
FirstLastName = daNpaNda
Message = wish u girls all the best 4 the upcoming comp. :)
Nira says thank you for your wish!
This form was submitted: Dec 23 2007 / 01:32:25
FirstLastName = Endang
Email =
Message = HI NIRA GIRLS~! The Endang girls would like to say a big CONGRATS for winning the Kumpulan Wanita terbaik. Wish we could have seen your performance. Nevertheless, CONGRATS! =)
On behalf of Nira, thank you so much, and congrats to Endang too, for putting up a good show! =)
December 22, 2007
Cynthia Congratulates Nira
She'll be reporting on our victory to her bosses this Monday.
3rd Consecutive Year.
On behalf of Exec Comm,
PS: I'll post the pictures once I'm back, I'm going off! Byeee~
(Bace blog gue eh)
Let's rock the stage! =)
To all those who have contributed, helped, assisted Nira
directly, indirectly, even unknowingly,
This is Caca, Fish's and my last Khatu as current students, so sad! Haha.
Okay Girls, see you later!!!
December 17, 2007
December 12, 2007
SEAL Points
SEAL Points for PENTAS is rejected.
Relek ah. It will be re-entered.
So please, don't ask me stuffs. Just wait. We just love waiting right.
Mak tiri korang tak approve, so days ago, dah re-enter, nanti die da approve, then korang akan terima notice ok. Dah. Jangan tanye2 Akak lagi. Kalahkan Paparazzi korangs eh, intervee-yu Akak ni!
Ready for trainings? No really, TRAININGS?
December 3, 2007
Persediaan untuk Piala Khatulistiwa 2007
It's the last week of the term. Aku paham betapa busy nye korang sampai takde masa utk diri sendiri. Kesiaaaaaaannnnnn.....
Tapi kener ingat, we have to prepare for Piala Khatulistiwa 2007. Your names have been submitted and we are to start training ASAP. Aku paham korang nak belajar and all that, tapi we have to remember we have alot of brushing up to do for the competition. And when I say ALOT.. I really mean REALLY ALOT.
Aku nak korang punye co-operation yang sepenuh-penuhnye. Take trainings as a stress reliever from your school work. Seek understanding from your parents just for this month. Aku tau word "dikir" ni dah macam damned gitu. But please ah, kita kener belajar how to compromise.
So, for this week, trainings are on 4th and 6th December 2007, Tuesday and Thursday. For term test week, by Friday, 14th December 2007, or maybe Thursday, 13th December 2007, most of you would be done with most of your papers.
So for term test week, trainings would be on Thursday and Friday. If need be, we would have training on Saturday, 15th December 2007.
After the term test week,which is 17th - 22nd December, training would be EVERYDAY! That is already the Khatu week.Training would start at 12pm and will end around 8pm. Don't worry, we will have lunch together and such so don't get too stressed up just by looking at the times. We are losing out one day that is Hari Raya Haji which is on the 20th December(kambing punye pasal). So I want productive trainings before Khatulistiwa week itself.
Aku tau it's gonna be one hell of a week. Tapi seriously, attendance has been fucked up and I've been giving face for way too long. I do not want anyone not turning up for trainings unless you really come up with a good reason to excuse yourself from training. Don't assume I don't know things so please eh korang.. selagi korang takde alasan untuk bilang/"tipu" aku, aku nak korang attend trainings.
For trainings, wear comfortable attire because we will have physical trainings. So prepare for that.
With that, take note of the dates and I will see you girls in training. Let's strive for Piala Khatulistiwa! WOOHOO!
November 25, 2007
Piala Raja Dikir 2007
Di manakah puspa yang ku impi?
Di mana niranya manis sekali...
Berputiklah ahai indah berseri
Mekarlah jambangan harum tak terperi
Congrats to Fuhua Sec for clinching Johan for Piala Raja Dikir 2007 at Marsiling Sec on the 24th November 2007.
Anyway if you girls wish to know the results....
The placings:Me, Lela, Ain and Dayah (alumni) were there to watch. All of us were touched with Fuhua's performance. Really. [LELA NANGIS OK! Aku pon... Tapi sikit jer (:] lol.Individual categories:
- 1st - Fuhua Secondary
- 2nd - Bedok South Secondary
- 3rd - Bishan Park Seconday
- Lagu Ciptaan Asli - Bedok South Secondary
- Lirik Terbaik - Bedok South Secondary
- Paluan Terbaik - Fuhua Secondary
- Awok & Kesenian Terbaik - Fuhua Secondary
- Juara Terbaik - Fuhua Secondary
- Juara Harapan - Bedok South Secondary
- Tukang Karut Terbaik - Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary
- Tukang Karut Harapan - Bishan Park Secondary
Congrats to Fid, Yat, Im and Achok for their individual schools :)
So let's take this song as a motivation for us girls to do the very best for the upcoming Piala Khatulistiwa 2007. NIRA BOLEEEHHH!!!
November 19, 2007
Sekarang aku tunjuk emosi....
Satu tika,
Satu tanda tanya...
Di mana niranya manis sekali...
Berputiklah ahai indah berseri
Mekarlah jambangan harum tak terperi
Lembut berkembang gubahan mayang
Sama sehayun asyiknya lenggang
Ribuan warna mengutus riang
Harap menjenguk, air mata bergenang
Konon tebal selaput dalam naluri
Benih disemai putik menanti
Detik, waktu berganti hari
Pucuk meninggi menunduk sepi
Messages From Email Form
Ok here goes:
FirstLastName = putri
Message = you guys were great during pentas... I am really proud of you guys. I was so proud of you guys, that my eyes was filled with tears... That was a brilliant performance. The BEST, in fact... Too bad for me, i couldn't perform with you... I know... Its quite difficult being in design school, having major projects and stuff and things like this... worse when they clash... I have that passion to perform with you guys... but to tell you guys the truth... i can't let that part of me shine through... I just can't... Maybe, because of my lack of confidence, I find it hard to continue... I'll find a way to shine, and when that day comes, i'll shine with you... Love you guys... :'D
Thank you putri... You may not be able to perform with us for pentas but there's always other shows... You're always welcomed. Don't be shy, we're all here to support each other! =)
This form was submitted: Nov 08 2007 / 13:05:00
FirstLastName = manzero
Email =
Message = hey... how r u... hope can be friends... add me pat msn okey... if u have friendster add me aslo... bye takecare... Peace Out!!!
Terima kasih kerana sudi visit blog nira... The link to our friendster account can be found on the left side of this page. Feel free to drop by. Peace!
This form was submitted: Oct 17 2007 / 23:19:11
FirstLastName = mamat
Message = kau.. fid instructor sey!! wakakakaka.. slt hari raya..
This form was submitted: Oct 10 2007 / 01:46:40
FirstLastName = imran
Email =
Message = Hari raya yg akan tiba tak lama lagi,anak bulan telah kelihatan di utara selatan nusantara pada pukul 4.30 petang tadi maka dari itu, saya ambil ke sempatan ini menucapkan selamat hari raya buat rakan,kawan dan taulan.buang yg keroh,ambil yg jernih.salam iklas imran.
haha.. sorry, terLAMBAT (lambat selambat lambatnya!) reply... hari raya pun da abis.. tapi takper... selamat hari raya to you too, dari kami, Nira Nyertika... =)
Da tu jer.. sekian, terima kasih...
November 18, 2007
Let's come back down to reality
Now now... let's get back to business....
We have 3 other performances to get ready for.....
- Inter-cultural Night - 22nd Nov 2007
- Laini's sis wedding - 2nd Dec 2007
- Piala Khatulistiwa 2007 - 22nd Dec 2007
I understand you girls are really really tired from all those training and rehearsals of Pentas but I'm sure we can do it. Everyone has their projects, assignments and what nots but we've got to persevere thru this ok?
So do attend rehearsal for the ICN performance on Monday, 19 Nov 2007. Meet at Koi Pond at 6pm. If possible.. come earlier ok? :)
PENTAS hangover.. lol.
November 17, 2007
This is just the beginning for you.
This is not a speech to anyone. Not even a speech to shed tears for. True, Fid, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.And for that, for what I've gone thru with Nira, definitely has made me stronger than before.
Applause received with many thanks to audience who still believe in Nira, whose support is very much appreciated.For those, who came, the alumnis of Nira whom I didnt get to meet, I missed you girls. I missed performing with you girls.If only we could make it for Khatu later this year..But i'll be joining you girls soon. Very soon. As soon as Khatu starts. I'll be sitting and watching for surprises from Nira. And if I do shed any tear, I hope it'll be tear of reminiscence and happiness.
Where burden was felt by me alone, now I'm seeing them sharing the load I used to carry. And I'll assure myself that you girls will make me proud for, now, you know that you can stand on your own feet. Kudos to you Naq n Sai. And all those that has helped. I am not great, mistakes made and learnt from. And I what want for this Nira, is to be better than previous times. Grow from your mistakes.
I've come all the way, not to see you girls falling down and crying hard of regrets. Because you girls are fresh start. And because the time when Nira was only a smoke break for fellow performers, has ended.
My hopes for you girls this Khatu, make me sitting down there proud of you; proud that I was there performing and now you girls will too. Its never about winning. And do not feel pressured by your fellow competitors, because they are just like you, to learn from mistakes made.
Ingat kawan2, usah diikut resmi jagung...
My only regret is that I could not perform for a set written by Fid.
"Biarlah harum jambangan Puspa, natijahnya manis, semanisnya Nira"
thank you
but the one week of trng was made to good use.. u guys made me feel welcome once again.. and i feel guilty for that.. thank you fish, nana and roosh fr teaching me the ragams.. shiet! im tearing while typing this..
but my fun time wid nira and titisan has come to a stop. it was a really memorable experience this whole 2 years spent wid nira.. it wasnt my choice to leave cz its my passion to perform.. bt coming frm a family who isnt into performing arts.. i find it difficult to reason to my parents.. and even if i did.. they still think it was a waste of time..
it was a deal i had to make.. i cant deny dat i was tearing yesterday wen fid said next show will be khatu and we will practice hard fr it.. as much as i wana be part of it again i cant.. it was a great pleasure to perform wid u guys.. and im so sorry if i had hurt anyone..
thank you once again NIRA, FID, ACHIOK and IM.. the memories wid u guys will always be in my heart.. never will i once forget u guys..
my fun time performing has come to an end. but my passion for performing will never end.
November 14, 2007
Pentas Fever.
Sampai blog pon ditinggalkan. Kesian
Merajuk dier..
Girls.. keep holding on. I understand everyone is busy with their projects, assignment...
I myself have submission today and test on Thursday. BOLEH MATTIII OOORR!!
Somer penat, hari2 rehearsal, hari2 training... abe balik malam.. besok skola..
Tapi mesti ader hikmah di sebaliknye.. insyallah~ Yoohaa~
Please take care of your health. Jangan jadi macam aku pls.. Dah sakit.. suara pon tak tau cam aper. Drink lots of water.. eat less oily food.. and yang penting... HAVE LOTS OF REST!
Marilah kita bersama berjuang demi Pentas Rahsia!
November 4, 2007
November 2, 2007
Pentas Training
Training will start at 6pm onwards. Please be prepared to go home later than usual.
If you cant go home late, please don't give the excuse for coming down at all. Don't worry, we will release you if you have to go. Kita tak gigit (:
As discussed yesterday, Naq and I will go down to geylang to get the costumes and accessories. I will be choosing two more girls to come along with us. Just wait for my call... Hehe..
Lastly, LOA, jangan lupa apply ok.
Have a great weekend!
October 31, 2007
Pentas tix
For those of you who wish to buy Pentas: Rahsia tickets, please liase with SAIHAH. Tickets are at $6.
Those who wish to buy on the spot, you need to bring your money as well or not no tickets will be given.
For those who wants to reserve ticket, please give your names and the number of tix that you are reserving to SAIHAH as well. Reserved tickets have to be collected by 6pm on 16th November.
Tickets will still be sold at the door. So don't worry about not being able to get tickets.
Please don't forget to spread the word to your friends! Publicise Pentas: RAHSIA!
October 28, 2007
Pentas: Rahsia

This year's production is entitled Rahsia ie 'Secret'. PENTAS: Rahsia portrays the journey of three kids, searching for an answer to a discovery.
Will their journey unravel the mystery?
Will they find out the truth?
Will their questions be answered?
16th November (Friday)
TP Renaissance, (Auditorium 1)
7.30pm, (Doors aopen 7pm)
Free seating, tix at $6.
For more info or for booking of tickets, you can contact me through my email, that is or get me through my mobile, 90877262.
October 27, 2007
Leave Of Absence
---> LOA for 15 & 16 November, 1pm - 10pm
Have a great weekend! We'll see you during the next training (:
October 26, 2007
October 20, 2007
school's starting soon..
Hello lovelies! Memandangkan school holiday pon dah abis, it's time to get your ass down to trainings and drill the shiet out of you.
Ok tu brutal. Haha!
The School term is going to start soon and it's time that we put into priority our upcoming performances. We are like waaaayyyyy behind schedule so please we need everyone's co-operation. Nira is not about one. It's about ALL.
It isn't fair for the those who have sacrificed time and energy to come down trainings during the holidays. I get it that everyone has commitments. Still we have to bring ourselves down and not just please our own self without thinking of others.
So please girls, I
See ya in trainings and good luck for the new semester.
Selamat Hari Raya!!
October 16, 2007
Salam Lebaran 2007
Nanti kita jalan raya sama-sama ok? Insya Allah =)

Message1 = wahai nira sekelian,di harap dapat hadir traning 4 pentas k,kita cuma tinggal 10 traning untuk traning,mari lah kita sama2 bantu sesama kita kalau bukan kita siape lagi?kepada yg tak hadir traning d harap dapat hubungi rakan tau taulan nira k.jgn malu2 baik yg lama atau yg baru.
Message2 = Hari raya yg akan tiba tak lama lagi,anak bulan telah kelihatan di utara selatan nusantara pada pukul 4.30 petang tadi maka dari itu, saya ambil ke sempatan ini menucapkan selamat hari raya buat rakan,kawan dan taulan.buang yg keroh,ambil yg jernih.salam iklas imran.
Terima kasih la kerana selalu menghantar message dari blog nira, salam lebaran to you too... hope to see you soon =)
October 11, 2007
Lyrics for Citrawarna
Impian kini menjadi nyata
Sambutlah salam dari kami semua (citrawarna)
Inilah kami pejuang budaya (citrawarna)
Maruah kita tetap dijaga (citrawarna)
Kepada tuhan kami berdoa (citrawarna)
Harapan kami pada semua (citrawarna)
Here's the link to listening all the finalists of SingaRaya -Hari Raya Song Writing Competition, an event part of the Pesta Raya 2007 organised by Esplanade. So, listen and pick your your choice to vote!
(Seriously, bukan nak bias arh kan, tapi out of the many2 songs, dua jer yg memikat hati) So, checkout song no 2 & 3 and vote for them laaaa abeyy tak tawooo.. Well, selera kita berlainan. Variasi la konon...
Undi lahh kawan2 kita di luar sana~ Tak mahal murahh jerr.. Sikit2 jadi bukit.. Sabtu ni da collect duit raya, bolehlah sedekahkan undian ye takk.. *yer yer orrh*
Format undian adalah seperti berikut: RAYA# kepada 75566. # - nombor lagu raya pilihan anda.
- Suara Itu RAYA1
- Seloka Hari Mulia RAYA2
- Seri Lebaran RAYA3
- Hari Raya RAYA4
- Di Hujung Ramadhan RAYA5
- Indah RAYA6
- Pabila Hari Raya RAYA7
- Cahaya Lebaran RAYA8
Tarikh tutup bagi undian adalah 3 Nov 2007, Sabtu. So pick your choice! *chop chop*
Dan selamat menyambut lebaran kengkawans! Mintak mahap laaa yeee..Jumpe lagi buat lagi!
October 9, 2007
October 8, 2007
Training Cancelled
Thank you & goodnight!
October 5, 2007
New Training Dates

October 3, 2007
Hari Raya Dinner @ Braddell Heights
EVENT: Malam Perjumpaan Hari Raya
VENUE: Bradell Heights CC
DATE/DAY: 27 October 2007 (Saturday)
TIME: 7.30pm
kalau nak pergi, pakai la glamour-glamour... bring your friends / families or your loved ones.. hehe. whoever that's interested, please inform me. thank you!
oh and by the way, kalau nak beli tiket untuk satu meja, satu meja ada 10 orang. so yahrr.. have a nice day =)
thank you for your suggestion, hope you enjoyed yourself yesterday. your presence was much appreciated(: and so sorry for the late reply! hehehe..
lela, gambar jgn lupa send 2 my e-mail.
6 orang kuat,kalau bolih next traning ptg six of u plan buka same2 at tp,iftar kali yg ke dua. jgn gunakan plan starhub m1, atau sewak`tu dgnnya kheheheheh...take care:]
noted! by the way, i don't think the video is uploaded yet. sila la rajin-rajin check multiply tu selalu... heh heh heh..
September 30, 2007
September 28, 2007
Iftar 2007

kita akan ke sana ramai-ramai selepas training. and since we're not combining with PST, if you want to bring your partner dan yang sewaktu dengannya, silakan lah...
jumpa anda di sana!
ps: nira's multiply is updated. those who have an account, please add. friendster is on the way (:
pss: a blogger account under nira's gmail has been created. for executive committee who's not using blogger and would like to post entries in this blog, you can ask me for the password (:
September 26, 2007
Anyways, for tomorrow's training, it will be held at the Sports Complex. Yes, you got it right.
So bring sports shoes and a pair of track pants or shorts. *Just as long as you're "well covered" k.* Bulan puasa ni, kadang2 bukan makin turun berat badan.. tapi makan naik. Bulan puasa paling banyak makanan, dendeng laaa.. burger ramly laaa.. Macam2 ah.
So besok training kiter akan buat physical training sikit. Confirm fun.
Anyways, next week Nira akan aderkan iftar di Seoul Garden. I thought of waiting to tell you until training tomorrow, but then right, aku nak kener ader confirmation by tomorrow about the no. of pax that would be iftar-ing.
The details are as follows:
Please think about it tonight and tell me the number of people going so that I can reconfirm the reservation of seats by tomorrow please. Do take note that its the date where there is training. So kiter bole pegi ramai2 naik MRT. KAN BEST!!!
Aku dah excited. See you girls in training tomorrow!!
September 24, 2007
Susah jugak eh blog in malay.
Salam sayang,
TailOrlelawati (Tailong+Norlelawati)
Wahhh... da dapat first message from Email Form ah!
Form was submitted: Sep 23 2007 / 16:25:03
Message: Ahhh... ni baru best... very good job gals... cuma... knape gambar aku pat sini ngan pat blog PST sama ekh? hehehehe... alah banyak komplen plak... ok... R U READY?....
Sender: fid
hahahahhaa.... tanya naq. dier yang curi gambar.. hahahaha. k nira, fid tanyer, da ready atau belum? ingat, BESOK ADA TRAINING OK. jadi.. jangan tak jadi. kalau tak jadi, buat sampai jadi ok? and please jangan lambat. start cepat, abis cepat. ok go!
Quote: - "Jangan melayukan melayu" maka itu dengan kerjasama semua, hapuskan istilah 'janji melayu'.
By the way, pada sesiapa yang masih tak tau, nira ada account multiply, slide and photobucket. username and password standard. kalau nak contribute to anything, sila kan sajer... just don't misuse the account ok?
selamat menjalani ibadah puasa yang hari ke 12! =D
September 21, 2007
Training dates
Bare in mind that training starts NEXT WEEK and that would be 25th September 2007, 2-5pm. I'm being informed about the design students still having school. I understand you still have lessons going on. Don't worry. Just make yourself present for training if you have a break between classes or something. The least is that you are informed of any progress made during training and your attendance are noted of.
So I repeat again...
September 18, 2007
Training Dates
It's small, so just click to see an enlarged version.
I've printed and laminated pocket-size schedules for you girls.
I'll pass them to you when I see you okay!
Yes, it's pocket-sized, please keep it in your purse. It's like a 'tangkal'.
By the way, there's no Sunday in my calendar.
Cos it's time to REST and to condition yourself for yet another Mondaaay!
(Actually to save space! Hee)
So I see you girls then!
Remind me to pass the pocket-sized schedule okay.
I'm old and forgetful.
So for those who miss trainings,
hope this schedule will leave you SMILING all the way!

Lotsa Love,
September 14, 2007
Girls, with regards to the entry on 13th Aug, it seems like we have alot of shows coming up, not to mention a comp. We seriously need training, WE know that we aren't HEBAT.
We are training for a comp, for an annual production and for a show. These are not just ordinary performances. People pay to watch us. Our predecessors have set a benchmark, if we can't beat it, at least maintain it.
As for Khatu, I (Lela) am disappointed to know that there were no representatives from Nira for the Taklimat. Are you girls even keen? Cos I am! I am! I am!
I (Fish) have posted the Taklimat date on August 10th. The Taklimat is on September 8th. I'm sure we have ample time to discuss who should go, but nothing was discussed.
Naq and Saihah, please kindly come up with the dates and times for trainings.
It has to start next week.
Both of us are here if you need assistance.
I (Lela) think we need to have training twice a week. Time is of the essence, darlings. Just a suggestion, for one day to be afternoon, and the other to be at night in case some of you can't make it for both sessions. Someone has to make a move. We can't wait for others, dangling on a string. This is just a suggestion, ultimately, SGH/ASGH are the ones who are suppose to say "yes".
I have people coming up to me asking, "When is training" Now, instead of waiting for miracle, I'm doing something, it's up to the rest to either move along, contribute inputs or just sit and stare at this screen.
One more thing, Naq/Sai, I (Lela) want a list of members, full details, name, contact number, e-mail and also an updated attendance sheet by Sunday. Revert to me if you can't meet the dateline. E-mail me, thanks.
Please note that the blog is here for a reason. Exams are over, everyone have a reason to not skip training, am I making sense?
Note: Do note that we HAVE someone who's willing to guide us for FREE. Unlike the times when there was only us both and Ain. If we want someone to help us, we must first help ourselves.
Thanks Fid for being there.
Thanks Ain for all the work you've done.
Wishing you a fruitful Ramadan.
Semoga amalan-amalan kami diterima Allah S.W.T.
August 13, 2007
so whats gonna happen?
Seperti apa yang telah dikatakan di last training yang 2 minggu lalu, *untuk korang2 yang tak datang.. ni aku blg ni hah!*, training will resume after exams sebab aku tak nak distract korang of your studies and I want you girls to do well for the exams.
However the main question is....
Abe bulan puasa camne ni...?
Ahhh.. bulan puasa tetap ader training ye kengkawans. Why? Sebab kita dah kekurangan masa.
- Puasa - 13 September
- Hari Raya - 13 October? I think ah. One month maahh.
- Pentas - November.
- Laini's Sister's Wedding - December
- Piala Khatulistiwa - December
I'm making the decisions open to all of you because aku nak aderkan training where you girls would come down. If I were to decide on the training dates and times, abe korang tak datang, it would defeat the purpose altogether.
So it would be good if you can voice out your opinions. It's all about working together.
School would reopen somewhere in October but of course, a few days or like a week after Raya starts. So training would be as per normal then. During the Raya week, training TBC.
However, during Puasa, there would definitely be an iftar to discuss about what's up for Pentas basically. Me and some of the seniors would be planning this and I've planned it to take place on the 20th or 21st. So do make yourselves free ok. And again, this is TBC. I'll update you girls now and then.
So korang2 ni eehh.. pls pls pls come down training. Kita dah betol2 takde masa. If korang ade pape questions, just msn me, call me, sms me, email me. Whatever laa eh is easy for you. Anyways, I need to know when your exams end. So I would know which week we can start training.
Lastly, Good Luck for your exams. Do study hard. Jangan laaa korang fail. Seriously. Aku tak nak korang fail atau amik supp paper. So concentrate on your exams. Boyfriend boyfriend letak tepi dulu. Lepas exams baru bole.. Haha...!
Ok daaaaa~
August 10, 2007
Piala Katulistiwa 2007
Ngee Ann Poly's Malay Cultural Club is
organizing its annual dikir barat
competition, Piala Khatulistiwa 2007!
We have 2 categories for this year.
Category A: category for CURRENT
students only
Category B: category for FORMER
students only
Date of Taklimat: 8th September 2007
Venue: LT 73, Ngee Ann Polytechnic
U can also go to
email us @
or call our Public Relations Officers
Ms Dila @ 93863010 or
Ms Tina @ 91504754
for enquiries.. Thank You! Hope to see
you there! =)
selamatsssss! and good luck for your upcoming exams girls! kalau tanak di-grounded macam aku, belajar lah rajin-rajin. *peace*
August 6, 2007
Piala Katulistiwa 2007
Persatuan Budaya dan Bahasa Melayu Politeknik Ngee Ann akan menganjurkan:
Tarikh Taklimat: 8th September 2007
Tempat: LT 73, Politeknik Ngee Ann
Jam: 5 petang
Sila hubungi
Saudari Dila @ 93863010 atau
Saudari Tina @ 91504754
untuk keterangan lanjut.
Ataupun, anda boleh ke lelaman ini: for more information. wuuuuuweeeee.....
August 1, 2007
July 31, 2007
Hi darlings, how have u been?
Hope all are fine.
It's been sometime since I see you. 3 weeks, but it feels like 3 million years. Ok before the Soap Opera starts, I'm here to break the news.
MAG's budget isn't sufficient for us to make the baju.
So , mimpi je lah eh sayangs. I wish we could, then we don't have to rent every time, which ultimately costs more. Sigh. Nonetheless, at least we can tukar-tukar baju kanz?
July 25, 2007
1st - Andika Kencana
2nd - Wahana Deksu *YAY!*
3rd - Keris
Congrats to WD!!!!!! Haha. It goes to shows that we girls also can do it and beat the guys ok.
Anyways.. training would resume tomorrow. I will explain to you girls about the upcoming training dates and what we are going to do tomorrow.
Same time, same place tomorrow. Do inform me if you can't come and help inform your fellow friends also about the training. Thanks.
July 17, 2007
Mencorak Mahligai Utuh Di Alaf Globalisasi
Piala Raja Panggung 2007
22hb Julai 2007
Bertempat Di Dewan Serbaguna Balai Rakyat Kampung Chai Chee
Ticket sudah mula dijual pada 7hb julai 2007 di
Balai Rakyat Kampung Chai Chee.
Sesiapa yang ingin buat penempahan tiket sila hubungi Saudara Bob di talian 83331764
Tickets are at $10
July 6, 2007

Tickets for PPP will be available on Gatecrash by tomorrow. Tickets are going for $15 (adults) and $9 (students), not inclusive of $1 Gatecrash ticket handling fee. Tickets are available at any SingPost Office counter or S.A.M kiosk islandwide! For credit card phone bookings, dial 62225595 for Gatecrash ticketing hotline.
Please offer me your replies for bookings and indicate on which day you're attending for.
Teater Ekamatra presents
Pesta Peti Putih 07, Arts Against Apathy
19th July to 21st July 07
Arts House, Play Den, 8PM
Thursday, 19th July 07
National University of Singapore & Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Friday, 20th July 07
Pioneer Junior College & Temasek Polytechnic
Saturday, 21st July 07
Republic Polytechnic & Jurong Junior College
July 2, 2007
So training will still continue as we need to consistently be prepared for any upcoming shows. 3 confirmed events that we would be performing would be...
- Pentas (November)
- Piala Khatulistiwa 2007 (December)
- Laini's sister's wedding (December)
I guess we have to start changing our thoughts on preparation for shows especially. Kiter ni tak hebat. Bukannye boleh dapat set overnight. Belajar lagu in a few hours pon belom tentu.
So, it's better to be prepared rather then getting ready at the last minute.
Trainings would be EVERY THURSDAY at 6pm, studio 3. So hope all of you girls get the message. I don't want to have to remind everybody every week. So if you can't make it, please make the effort to tell me through a simple sms. If you can't get me, tell Saihah or Jaja or whoever that is coming. I think it's basic courtesy that all of you should know. OK? Aku tak marah laaaa.... aper seyy.... :)
See you girls in training ok.
June 23, 2007
Training for de nxt 2 wks
For those who inform me, that's good. For those who don't, hmm.. im not sure why. Please girls. Make it a habit to inform me whether you are coming or not. So at least we won't be waiting for each other. Some of you did promise me you'd come down to training, but in the end you don't show up. Sedah tau i.... :) But anyways, next time, always inform me. Aku tak marah laa.. aku tak marah punye org. I'm a kind hearted person :)
Ok nevermind. School is going to start next week for all of us except for those design students, so training would be twice a week for the next two weeks. We have only 4 trainings left until the show. Please do come down to training. Don't make things hard for everyone.
We still have lots of things to do. We want to give people a good, entertaining show. I'm still working on a set with the R&D team. So sorry if I hold back our progress. I'm trying my best to get it done at least the "juara" part by next training.
See you in training!
June 12, 2007
training times
Ok, I've set the training times for 19th and 21st June 2007 to be from 12 to 3. I'm sorry for those having SIP or those working during these times. But my decision has to accomodate to the majority. So I hope everyone understands. Anyway, it is only for one week because the training will start at the last week of the 2 week term break.
Subsequent practices when school reopens would be every Tuesday and Thursday. I promised that training would be once a week but due to our upcoming performance on the 7th July, I have to make practices twice a week. I hope I have everyone's co-operation about this ok.
So I want to see you girls in training. Gather at the koi pond if the studio is not open yet k lovelies.
This is your first public performance for the year girls, especially you freshies. Make this experience an enjoyable one and show what we've got.
June 8, 2007
Performance for NIRA..!!!
Nira Nyertika has taken up an invitation to perform at Serangoon JC. It's on Saturday, 7th July, 7.30 pm - 9.30pm. It's a concert by Paya Lebar Kovan Community Club.
I've asked Fid about it and he agreed to perform. So I guess it's abit too late to ask you girls to come down training next week. Lagipon akoo pegi holiday.. :x So we will start training on the 19th June 2007. Training would be twice a week because we only have 3 weeks before performance day.
Oh and I want to know your preference timing for trainings? For me, I prefer it to be somewhere in the afternoon so that you girls won't be home late. But I believe that some of you are working. So please inform me ASAP about your preferred timings so that I can get the rooms for our training ok?
This is the first public concert for Nira this year and I want all you girls to get the experience and exposure.
I will email all of you and also SMS ok. So please do keep yourself updated.
June 7, 2007
Student Ambassadors / 'Vacation' Trip
Anyways good luck for your term tests! Wish you all the best and may you obtain the grades that you deserve. Amin.
Ok, so I'm attached to Media Development Authority (MDA), doing Events. Now there's a big, big, BIG event coming up- BroadcastAsia, 17th to 22nd June. It's held at Singapore Expo. There are some that are held at other places, such as Red Dot Museum, Ritz Carlton etc but mainly, Expo.
Now, we need student volunteers aka ambassadors. I have contacted Pace Setters, thinking they would help, I mean, it's a good platform for our very own TP mates. Unfortunately, they can't provide me with students, as this is NOT a TP Event.
I was wondering, maybe you girls could be of a help here. We're sending MASS e-mails to NTU (done, alhamdullillah) and TP (I'm still chasing them for this!).
Now, I think it'd benefit you girls, it's not always that you have the opportunity to be PAs of some big shots. And I really mean BIG INTERNATIONAL SHOTS from Canada, France, etc who are key players in the media industry. So you're going to ride in a limo with them and whatnot. Personal Assistants ok! I can't promise you the world, but these are some possibilities. Mostly, we need ushers, directional assistants etc.
I thought this is something good. I'm not saying this because I need your help. It's just that, if you girls are interestred, we can go for a "vacation" do things like this together. And this will be something to reminisce about! Besides gaining experience and exposure, we can bond. At least, there's a common topic for us to talk about during mingling/break sessions.
Hopefully your termtests will be over by then and I'm praying that it's the term break. It is right? 17th - 22nd June
I won't lay the explicit details here. Go to my blog, I'll provide you with the neccessary details. I really think this will be a good and enriching experience. Ok, this is so advertising for MDA. Please consider. Well, if you have nothing to do, this is a healthy activity besides Dikiring!
Lotsa Love,
HORNYrary Treasurer for MAG
June 4, 2007
hello girlss..!
Ini dia SGH kental korang semua. Kkae.. on de last meeting that I had with Nira, I was planning to have a small mini gathering or outing for just us Nira girls. I just want each of us to know each other better. "Bonding" session laa kirekan. Sooo I need your opinion on what kinda outing should I plan...
I have a few in mind.. but if you have any other ideas.. do tag the board okays..
- Bowling session
- Dinner (Seoul Garden anyone?)
- Picnic at some beach (Potluck)
- A BBQ(Potluck)
- Hanging out at Esplanade, talk and laugh
- Cycling session at some beach
- Kalao tak dinner, Lunch?
So aper pendapat korng? Ader idea lagi bagus? Kalao susah sgt nk blg, korng lei SMS akoo, MSN akoo @ or email akoo. Nira pon actually ader email...
Tuh laa, tak tawu kan nira ader email? Sebab akoo tak perna blg korng. LOL! Ok takpe2. So do tell me okays. Oh and jangan luper, INCLUDE THE DAYS AND DATES THAT ALL OF YOU ARE FREE!!!! Kalau bole, akoo nak the WHOLE OF NIRA pegi. Kan cam best gituu..!!!
Ok bye..
SGH kental
May 29, 2007
Meeting on May 29
Nari ader small meeting just to talk what is there for Nira and what not. Kita akan berbincang saje, sal aftermath of AGM and apa2 yang akan datang utk Nira. So do come down, oh and kepade korng2 yang dtg utk AGM kan tapi kener balik siang, korng semer kener collect Certificate korng. I will pass ur certs later. It won't take long. At most it would be like an hour or so.
Jumpe di koi pond yer. Ok dah bye!
May 21, 2007
Please come down okays because show is only a few days away. I'm getting the whole set down ASAP. I will inform you guys about what's to come for this Saturday and there will be an extra training day for this week because I feel that we really need it.
So do come down and if you can't make it, do inform me ok.
Ok lovelies..~
May 12, 2007
AGM cum Orientation is POSTPONED
To fellow alumni, your presence would definitely make a big difference.
Next training would be on Tuesday, 6pm. For those who can't come, please inform me, Saihah or Jaja. I hope that it's due to valid reasons. Oh and training would start at 6pm sharp okays.
Soooo for those who don't know what songs that will be played, Fid has asked me to put up in Nira's Multiply so do check it out.
Those who have any questions or whatsoever, contact me through my handphone.
May 9, 2007
Training and Camp money
Besok kiter ader training seperti biase di Studio 3, 6pm. Can all of you please come? Do remember to bring $3 to training. $2 is for the Orientation which is on 19th May 2007 and $1 is for Nira's fund. Do come down to training k girls. Show is a week awaaayyyy~
Saaaaayaaaaaannggg korang....
May 7, 2007
Happy Birthday Fid!
k da.. see you guys tomorrow! :))
May 5, 2007
Next training will be on Tuesday, 8th May 2007.
Updates about the camp...
From news that I received, the camp is changed to a one day thing. So there would be no overnight-ing. Most likely it would be on the 19th May 2007, Saturday, 8.30am-9pm.
So it would be one full day la. Next training, please bring the $3 and also I would be taking down all your profiles and information like your full name, matric card no. and all that la. I'm still trying to match your names with your faces and trying my best to remember all of you. For those of you who have friends that are interested to join Nira, do bring them down also.
I will SMS the freshies because some of them didn't come on last Thursday. However, I need help with the SMS-ing because my prepaid are limiting my SMS-es.
So do come down to training because there is lots for me to tell. Cya on Tuesday!!!
April 29, 2007
Orientation for freshies
So since Tuesday is a public holiday, unless korang2 ni nak bukak skola laa yer on that day abe bobal2 dgn security guard....
The orientation will be on Thursday, 3rd May 2007 at 6pm. From then onwards, training is twice a week and that would be every Tuesday and Thursday because the next performance would be our AGM performance and it would be held during camp which is on the 18-19 May and if you do realise, we do not have much time. It's only a mere 3 more weeks from now. It's a one night camp and it's gonna be da bomb! DA BOMB! Kalau tak pergi, korang KENTAL k.
So do attend the orientation next Thursday so that you guys could get to know your freshies better. I have about 16 girls who have signed up and I want them to STAY.
If there are any questions, and if you can't attend, do inform me.
But seriously, the best would be for all of you to attend the orientation and not just the SGH or ASGH or committee. I want ALL OF YOU to come. I would be doing some profile updating also on that particular day so it's of significance that you attend.
I have inform you guys like at least a week earlier so that you guys would have time to start out your plans for the week.
April 26, 2007
Pebtas Janji Post Mortem
Time: 7pm (Friday, 27th April)
Old and New are welcomed.
See you there Nira Darlings.
April 20, 2007
Takde Training
You guys must be wondering why it's cancelled eventhough the show is next week....
It's because apparently I'm getting sick and tired of having to come down to training everyday, seeing only a mere 5 or less people in the HUGE studio. I'm beginning to see that the studio and Arts Space is actually big.
I get it that you guys have informed me that you guys can't commit due to other commitments. Some of you have work, some of you have don't know what. Some promise to come, but in the end didn't. Some just had no reason to come down for training.
Orang yang ader SIP pon sanggup turon dari City Hall to school to attend training, and with what? A mere 5 pathetic people. Even people who have to train other schools, came down,but with what? Hardly a full row of girls. If anyone thinks that they have commitments, other people also have commitments.
I'm really dissapointed ok. And for this, I want ALL OF YOU to perform. Next week is the start of school and I'm sure none of you would still be working. I don't think you girls would still have "commitments" of any other sort. C'mon girls, Nira has a full good strength right now ok. I don't want it to go lesser.
In fact, I aimed to recruit 20 girls this year. And if I see this kinda attitude continuing in the future, I don't think I would be able to see my 20 girls.
The show is on Wednesday, 25th April 2007. There will be rehearsal on Monday, 8.30pm-9pm. I'm will be making use of Monday and Tuesday for ALL OF YOU to train on your ragams and song. I will post the song here and also on Nira's Multiply. Ragams are all recycled so I believe that none of you will be having problems.
So please eh girls, I want to see all of you on Monday. Training will start at 6pm SHARP!
Me and Jaja will be making calls to all of you to inform you guys of training.
Please do yourself a favour, and do Nira a favour.
April 17, 2007
Chalet & training.
You are to pay $2 each. Do turn up. We're trying to glue you guys.
No use bawah sebumbung, tapi tak kenal. Sini cakap sane stare, sane cakap sini stare. Padahal, innocent, both sides tak stare sape2. Ni example jer eh. Aku tanak dengar mrepek meraban like "No matter what ppl say..." those kinds off bulls.
Anyways, hope to have fun. We seniors would really be thankful if you girls turn up. Planning was done way ahead, just for korangs.
Anyways, how polite of you girls to just disappear from training. Arts Fest is next week, kalau korang rase korang sume da SUPERB, POWER, MAMPAT, HEBAT, HANDAL, MAGNIFICENT, aku nak tengok jer.
The reason why Nira was one of the sub-grp chosen from MAG is cos THEY (orang atas) know that we'll be able to make-it for rehersals which is Monday and Tues night, if I'm not mistaken.
Aku bukan nak berbual world, tapi, aku nga SIP, end at 6.30pm, yang da lengit, bangun pukul 6pagi, bole turun all the way to sch, just to make sure everything's alright, tapi KORNG TAKDE. FOR YOUR INFO, I WON'T BE PERFORMING, PASAL KEADAAN TAK MENGIZINKAN, which sucks as hell.
Jadi kalau korang fikir, korang banyak commitment, dengar2 kite ni bukan anak org, bukan matair orang, bukan kakak orang, bukan adik orang, bukan employee orang. Kalau korang ade laki, nak buatkan kopi ke, ade anak, nak kene netek kan ke, korang SHOULD HAVE THE BLOODY INITIATIVE TO INFORM NAQ.
Fid da sampai tepat pada waktu, dah nak ajar, budak-budak takde. Ape ni? FOR YOUR INFO, Fid buat ni sume, tak dibayar, da setahun. WHY? Ask him why he's been there. ASK HIM.
Tu sebab, aku nak baik-baik pun da malas, dengan korang nye perangai gini. SO, kalau korang rase, korang nye reason as to why korang tak datang tadi tu valid, no matter how late or whatever, u can inform Naq.
Kalau korang rase aku ni kasar, fikirkan lah eh nape korang terase. Akunye orang, aku tak suke, aku cakap, takde nak diam, and expect u girls to know, gitu bila mau game? Nak berbual belakang korang? Takde mase. Sini, korang suke kan bace2 blog. Bace sini.
If you think what I've mentioned above don't make sense at all, come to me and spit it to my face. I'll take this entry off.
I don't like to use kekerasan. Don't make me.
Seikhlas Hati,
April 13, 2007
Training next week.
Next week will be a whole week of training. Why? It's because we do not have much time left to prepare for our Arts Fest performance which will be happening on the 25th April 2007.
So for next week, training will be EVERYDAY and it will start at 5pm. Yer, aku tau,hari-hari. If you are not coming, please have the initiative to inform me so that all of us do not have to wait for each other, macam tongong and guessing whether you would be attending training or not.
So please please do each other a favour. If you don't want to inform me, the least you could do is inform your fellow friends, so that whenever I ask, at least I would get a response rather than a "I dunno." C'mon girls, it's time that we take things seriously, and professionally.
Hope I see you
P.S. Fellow alumni, if it is possible, you can come down to training and help us for this performance. Because, unfortunately, we don't have enough man power. So yeah. That's about it. Please do inform me if you guys are coming ok. Thanks. Lop ya!
April 10, 2007
Yes I know. Last minute nyer story but I also know about ArtsFest LAST MINUTE GILER!!!!!
Arts Fest will be either on 24th or 25th April.
We are left with hardly less than 2 weeks to prepare.
Training will be this THURSDAY, 12th April 2007, at 6pm. Meet at KOI POND because I'm not sure whether we can get a studio on that day or not. Me, Sai and Lela won't be coming early because we have a camp on that day and we are not sure what time it ends. So please please attend training ok. I'll be sending out SMSes to certain people. So those whom I sent it to, please tell your fellow friends. Prepaid akoo budget giler!
So I'll see you on Thursday ok. I have put Jaja,Wani and Nana in charge for the moment to get the keys, start training and what not.
Please come early so we can have a fruitful training. Love u girls.