March 27, 2007

cast ur votes pple..!

I'm planning a small gathering for us N2T-ians... and I have a few suggestions... please give me ur suggestions via the tagboard ok?

Would you like to have a.....

  • Picnic?
  • Bowling session?
  • Swimming?
  • Simple dinner?
  • Zoo trip?
  • An outing? (e.g Vivo? Town? Esplanade?)

So? Your suggestion? Or maybe you could add on to this list....?? Please tell me ASAP okays. I want this to be held before school reopens. If can, I want it to be held NEXT WEEK. Because after that, we would already start to work on the ArtsFest set. I wouldn't want to rush and end up ArtsFest set being a last minute thing or use a recycled set. So yeah....... TELL ME!!!! Or just beep me through my hp, send me an sms, MSN me, email me, call me.. whatever means of communication la ok. =)

Oh k....nih side track sikit eh. Sikit je...tak banyak.....

Akoo tgh go thru semer gambar gambar pentas dari fish nye multiply. 223 gambar lah siak dier ader... dan akoo pon tgh tgk tgk.. akoo spot beberapa gambar yang teramatlah kelakar ok! Akoo dah edit sikit jadi korng nampak lagi clear....

Korang semer conferm tak perasan kan? Aku aderlah tgk gambar nih. Skali kao tgk tuh muker Ainn. Mentang2 dah nak grad, tgh make up pon nak mengucap?Asal Ainn? Sedih sangat eh? Hehe... Dahla pat tgh2 gambar siak. Mcm ironic giler la siol. Org2 lain semer tgh busy make up. Abe dier duduk pat tengah tengah tu abe muker busok mcm gitu. Aku ketawe sorang lah siol tgk ni gambar. Especially muker Ainn tuh HAH!!!

Wang ajiaakk btol nih Caca.Tgh make up kan org dier tunjuk jari cam tu. Ishk. Kalao nih paparazzi, dah kluar magazine BusokPeyOlang la siol.... Eish eish eish........ *geleng kepale*

k dah. tu aje. Kalao ader lagi, akan ku tambah ye. And Nira's Multiply acct is in progress.... =)

To you girls, n guys

Pentas is over, but the Pentas fever has not subside. For N2T, of course. I haven't had time to read/blog/upload (mmg tkde gmbr langsong nk diupload; sumer dr heppone/cam org) pix. Kire ni first time, after such a long time aku tk baca blog ni. Boy, was I touched. *potato cheebs, but i teared even now*

I have no idea what to say now. I'm like simply crying even as I type this. Girls, you've done your greatest in Pentas. In my 3 years, this pentas, bonding within subgroup NIRA is the best. Ups n downs of everything.

When I first took over Nira, I had no freaking idea what was I supposed to do. I had to juggle almost every task. I became everything in Nira. Slowly we overcame all odds.And slowly means slowly. *pelan-pelan* Nira, in its name has come a long way. Way when it was formed even when I just stepped into Secondary School. How different is the old Nira n now, it doesn't matter anymore. I do hope I have made our alumnis proud of Nira NyerTika.

Once again, I apologize to you girls, in every aspect I may have hurt you girls. But alas, I get to see you girls united. For those who weren't there, I'm sorry, you couldn't commit due to parents' strict rules n supp papers. But I do hope to see Nira back as a whole n rock during Arts Fest. I'm sorry, if I havent been a good leader, like you may have expected.

I may have move on. But my darling beloved will always remain. I will treasure everything I have with you girls. Like when you girls n almost whole of MAG sung me a birthday song. Like when we played silly games of charades n Ain being the badut, n Chop Chilli Chops. Like all other training sessions when only 5 came down. Like when we had lunch n dinner together. Like when we joke n laugh around among oursleves only. LIke when Fid pressured me to write those lyrics. Like evertyhing that involves Nira.

Thanks Lela, for deciphering my lyrics. It was about me. And thanks Fid, for pressuring me for those. God knows the feeling I had inside when you said it was good. Thanks everybody for being there, as N2T. Thanks freshies, juniors n seniors, FOM, n alumnis. *potato cheebs, aku nangis lagi*

New sub-comm, have confidence in yourselves. Your tasks are diversified n you'll need each other n the rest as well. I hope you'll have no problem with each other. To the rest, those you're not chosen to be in the sub-comm, don't run away as yet. Nira wont just stop here. Nira has a longer way to go. And to make Nira a proud name under MAG, is everyone's task. The more ppl bitch about us, the more we'll stay united, n be friendly clown like Naqiah.

To Niki the Clownie / Chombi / Naqiah, our new SGH: I picked you, because you have that potential. Not that others dont, but I know you can set an example for your elders. Girls, for those who have yet to know, our clown just turn 17 last New Year.That makes her the youngest amongst us. I want to be patient, especially when only 1 comes down to trng. I know you can win back the hearts of those who's not around during Pentas. It's hard leaving Nira. And deciding who's next, mcm nk pk rokok ape mau beli. I'm always here for you girls. SGH, your idea of multiply is good. And, I'm passing you to be the administrator.Come the new acad year, when you'll be juniors, I hope to see Nira doubling. *it's my dreams to c 2 groups of nira in Khatu*

I cried on the night after Pentas, thinking of you girls.I will not have done a good job, without you girls. Thank you darlings.

*bila2 tu, send la gmbr kiter pat email aku. Buat kenangan yg terindah.

March 26, 2007

To My Babies

Alhamdullillah, Pentas is over. Now I AM SO FREAKING FREE!!!!! I MISS U GIRLS SO MUCH, I don't even have time to read this blog. Anyways, my apologies for not committing to Nira this time around, *for the first time in history (it's gonna start raining man)* aku macam lost giler, kene catch up banyak bende.

Nonetheless, compared to other sub-groups, at least selambat-lambat korangs, punctual jugak. Anyways, my apologies lagi, that speech yang telah menghancurkan make-up kite yang berejam tu... Haha...

I didn't expect to even cry, ape lagi sob... Aku ni memang sensotip orangnye! I was really really touched (ok, aku danak nangis, shit!) when I see you girls holding back your tears... I WAS REALLY TOUCHED. I never expected yang korang feeling bersamaku... SOOOOO-ME eh mate merah!

When I spoke that day, I didn't look up, but when I did, Belo, Fish, Faz, Nana, and the rest were tearing, it made me lagi sayang korang... FISH! LAIN KALI JGN PELUK AKU! MAKIN BANJIR OOOI!

I can't remember what I said exactly, but I want to point this out again, you girls are so lucky this time around, last year was difficult for us seniors, no one guiding us, we're so lost... So lost that we only get our set done right before Pentas itself, tu pun, da tak bole practice cos Pentas danak start...

I just want to say thank you for the stay... Thanks alot for commiting to Nira, dan tidak bermain Police & Thief dengan kami-kami ye... *self-explain kan lah yeee*

Words can't describe how happy I am... All of us, Ain, Fish too, love you girls so much... Even from the 1st training, we did promise our best to keep you girls intact. Now, 1 year passed so fast... Ain dah pun graduate... Fish... VIETNAM, untuk carik calon suami baru... PEGI AR PEGI!!! *MAJOK!* Aku pun SIP... Pat Singapore aje...

Hopefully, you girls will stay through thick and thin. Misunderstandings and bende-bende yang sewaktu dengannye tu SOOO-ME adat... Mane-mane pun ade politics... Berbual jer mahu lebih...

Fish and I will try our best to help you girls along the way... Insyaallah... Yey! Kite dah tak payah amek kunci, *yey*yey* HAHAHAHA.

Ok, aku pun da berlinang ni air mate... I'm trying my weird ways of stopping it... Pade korang yang witness tempo hari... Haha... Mcm gitu ar aku skarang!

Anyways, to the CHOOSEN ONES, you're chosen cos we believe in you... Kendalikanlah tugas kamu itu dengan seadil-adilnye... Chey...

Naq: Banyak bersabar... Itu paling important... You gonna receive shits, I'm sure you can handle it...
Saihah: Seandainye Naq tu Kari, Ko lah Kepale Ikan yang menyedapkan lagi...
Miza: Jagelah babies2 ku ini... Sesungguhnye, mereka semua memerlukan ibu... *Ibu...Ibu... Engkaulah Ratu Hatiku...*
Jannah: Belajarlah garang-garangkan diri sendiri eh... Collect duit bukan senang... Anyways, I want to pass u Nira nye fund, so remind me...
Wani, Naq, Jaja: Korang lah 3 Musketeers, Charmed Ones, Anak Donald Duck, 3 little pigs, dan ape-ape lah yang 3 character... Korang important, tanpe korg, set pun takde...
Fish: PR eh? Really? Aku tak ingat... Alah, ko senang jer... Ko senior, consperm dah tau ape nak buat...

I hope this new Academic year will be a joyride *think Gost Rider* for Nira! May we ave FUN! Nira babies, seperti Pentas: Janji, please janji yang korang will try your best... JANJI???

Fid: Thanks for everything. I mean EVERYTHING. I'll try to settle your stuffs.
Ain: For the guidance and example you've set for our babies. Thanks for believing in me as the ASGH.
Mamat: Everything too, thanks for the concern dari dulu.
Fish: Working together, helping me out.
Seniors: (Caca, As, Ais, Saj, Belle, Shaz, Fahna, Dayah etc) For your commitment.

Ain, the lyrics moved me, I feel you... No matter the distance, you're still with us... Aku tak bole bace ar ni lyrics.. Aku nga nangis ok!

Gemah tabuh bergeduk, resah hati tak diendah,
Minda hiruk-pikuk, kian rencam tak berarah,
Jiwa kian berkecamuk, terbelakah nasib yang pasrah,
Cekal hati memadam amuk, demi mereka ku rela...
Penantian berakhir pasti, gundah jiwa kian menghilang,
Hempas pulas memberi erti, raikan penuh gemilang...

I'm going to end this long entry with a quote and a secret, (which no longer a secret it will be...)

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo,
but what you want is
someone who will take the bus with you
when the limo breaks down.
-Oprah Winfrey

Let me share a secret with you girls, how proud I am of you girls, everynight without fail, when I think of our performance during Pentas, I'll smile to sleep...

Lotsa Love,

March 25, 2007

Pentas is Over


Kita semua dah train-train bagai nak rak hari-hari, bawak props, buat flag, banner, rehearsal hari-hari pat atas stage, balik lambat, lari sana lari sini, tepuk tepuk, jerit jerit....

Dan pada 23hb Mac 2007,


Tears were shed, hugs were given out, good luck's, congratulations, shouts and screams of joy...It's touching to see how we girls have bonded soo much after this production.

To Fid,
Thanks soo much to our love, Fid, for guiding and helping us throughout the past few weeks. I'm sure all of us were touched by what he said to us and I definitely see, almost all of us, shedding tears. He has showed us that the main aim of us performing is to entertain. Nonetheless, our objective of being a dikir barat group is still put into every set we have performed. Thanx Fid for every bit of help, guidance and contribution you have provided N2T with.

To Ainn,
Wow, you're finally graduating. You've been through your ups and downs of being the SGH of N2T. It definitely is sad to see you go. You have done a wonderful job as the SGH. The thought of you not performing your duties well, never did came across our minds. Heck with whatever people have to say abt N2T. What's most important is our spirit and determination to deliver and give all out to the best of our ability. You are most patient with each and everyone of us and we have always respected you in more ways than one. You have helped us understand the meaning of teamwork. Now, you have to pass on the torch and move on with you future endeavours. N2T wishes you the best of luck in the coming years, and never will you be forgotten.

To Mamat,
Eventhough you weren't there throughout all our trainings, you still gave a couple of advise to improve on our performance. We appreciate your presence alot and all of us missed you while you were away at camp, berjuang untuk negara. Huahuahuahua! Anyway, grow back your hair soon and thanks for being there, sparing a thought and a few pieces of advise to N2T.

To Ili,Caca & As,
Tanpa korang tiga puaka, tak tawu aper nak jadi dengan performance N2T. Koranglah yang telah membuat show kiter sungguh lepak dan kelakar. The three of you simply make trainings fun, full of joy and laughter and is never boring. Thanx Caca for sharing some make up tips with us. All of us definitely looked hot on Friday night thanks to your make up. Your commitment to N2T is greatly appreciated, eventhough you had other commitments, like teaching and stuff. Thanx Ili for helping us out. Eventhough you had other responsibilities to take care of, you still spared some time with N2T. Not forgetting As, who is spending her last year with us. Now N2T needs to audition for a new Juara. Anyone interested? Manalah pelapis As?!?! Haha. Tapi As, takmolah luper kiter yer. We still do need you!! Infact,we need ALL OF YOU!

To Graduating Seniors,
I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. We appreciated lots of your help in performing together with us for Pentas. All of us are definitely going to miss all of you. But everyone has to say goodbye's. Nothing is forever. We need to move on. So good luck with whatever is in for the future for all of you people. Good luck in your upcoming career and never forget N2T!!!!

This experince was a first for almost all of us. We performed for Pentas and the feeling of satisfaction was definitely there. Next, it is gonna be a fresh start for all. We are seeing some of our seniors leaving schooland MAG, and we are gonna see a new bunch of people taking charge. As for me, Ainn has put me in-charge of upholding N2T. I really didn't expect any of this happening. I never thought I would be given this responsibility. However, it definitely is an honour and I hope that all of you can cooperate with me. I will always keep on bringing up N2T's name in TP's MAG and even to the school. We need to show that the N2T girls are capable of bringing a name to the school and we are not just another dikir barat girl group. I have confidence for N2T that we are a group where people would go around saying "Eh, Nira punye performance gerek la siak" and no more hearing about N2T's performance being a session for some "smoke-break". I will never leave N2T without leaving a memorable something behind. I want to achieve something that will make N2T outshine the rest. So, as N2T's upcoming SGH, I really hope for your cooperation, commitment, patience and understanding. I don't expect a "one-man show" out of all of this. I hope that we will achieve great experiences in the future to come.

Masa untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal akan tiba untuk semua.
Tetapi, ucapan selamat tinggal itu tidak bermakna semunya akan dilupa.
Namun, kenangan itu tetap wujud disisi persahabatan yang telah ditubuh.

Kini tiba Puspa Dua, Nira Nyertika namanya
Membuat persembahan istimewa
Inilah Puspa Dua,
Nira Nyertika namanya....

Biarlah harum jambangan Puspa
Natijahnya manis, semanisnya Nira

Naq aKa Chombi
Your friendly clown

March 17, 2007




It's better to have them laughing because our set is funny & entertaining, rather than them laughing @ us because we are well badots making a fool out of ourselves.

March 13, 2007

NaK d/l lagu2 tertentu untuk korang belajar sendirik spt matang modern dan patani, sila lungsuri ke laman Multiply saya..

Intensive trngs for pentas

Pls be informed that as of now, I dun nid 2 inform you girls abt trng dates/time/venue.. This will be the latest n most updated one, so stick to this, until I inform u abt next wk (it's PENTAS week, HARAP MAKLOM) schedule.

Date: EVERYDAY 12-16 March 2007
Time: 2 onwards (Mon,Wed,Fri ends @ 6+ ; Tues, Thurs ends ard 8 n maybe extended depends on progress)
Venue: TAC (kalau tak tau kat mane, its whr we always train, understooded?) It's always ard there, check jer studio mane ader kite, salu Studio 3, 6 or Artspace, or koi pond.

My dear girls, PENTAS is just next week. Next WEEK, NOT next YEAR. Ring those bells in your mind, remind yourself countless of times.. For those who have been coming down, good, more progress so we can do our props n stuff.. Yang da sekian lamanya tak menjenguk kepayahan kita, have the heart to inform this poor girl typing these words, yahh.. Dan pada yang suker datang lmbt, chuber tukar time kat jam korang ke heppon korang 3 hrs earlier.

Pentas is supposed to be a fun production whr we enjoy ourselves during trng hokayy.. (Ye, aku mcm paham larhh) So,let's not get stressed out. Let's not freak just becoz kene buih ngan lembu2 yang lain. Aku je yg freak.. Ni nak remind arh konon. Marilah sama2 kiter berko-operasi sesama sendiri..

Kesefahaman kalian teramatlah saya hargai.

March 3, 2007

Intensive trainings for PENTAS

FYI, we're left with less than 3 weeks trainings, to be exact, 20 days...So, please take down these dates, store as reminder in mobiles and try to keep away from appointments okay??

6/3/07 - Tuesday, 6.30pm @ Studio 2
8/3/07 - Thursday, 6.30pm @ Studio 2
10/3/07 - Saturday, time & venue TBA
12/3/07 - Monday, *6.30pm @ Koi POnd
13/3/07 - Tuesday, *6.30pm @ Studio 2
14/3/07 - Wednesday, *6.30pm @ Koi POnd
15/3/07 - Thursday, *6.30pm @ Studio 2
16/3/07 - Friday, *6.30pm @ Koi Pond

* Tentative time & venue.To be advised.

See ya girls!

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