August 13, 2007

so whats gonna happen?

Assalamalaikum kengkawans....

Seperti apa yang telah dikatakan di last training yang 2 minggu lalu, *untuk korang2 yang tak datang.. ni aku blg ni hah!*, training will resume after exams sebab aku tak nak distract korang of your studies and I want you girls to do well for the exams.

However the main question is....

Abe bulan puasa camne ni...?

Ahhh.. bulan puasa tetap ader training ye kengkawans. Why? Sebab kita dah kekurangan masa.
  • Puasa - 13 September
  • Hari Raya - 13 October? I think ah. One month maahh.
  • Pentas - November.
  • Laini's Sister's Wedding - December
  • Piala Khatulistiwa - December
So.. korang realisekan berape sempitnya waktu. Thats why during puasa there would still be training. Training would not be after buka and it would only be once a week *i think*. It would either be 12-2pm or 3-5pm. So can I have your votes on what time is suitable and comfortable for you girls?

I'm making the decisions open to all of you because aku nak aderkan training where you girls would come down. If I were to decide on the training dates and times, abe korang tak datang, it would defeat the purpose altogether.

So it would be good if you can voice out your opinions. It's all about working together.

School would reopen somewhere in October but of course, a few days or like a week after Raya starts. So training would be as per normal then. During the Raya week, training TBC.

However, during Puasa, there would definitely be an iftar to discuss about what's up for Pentas basically. Me and some of the seniors would be planning this and I've planned it to take place on the 20th or 21st. So do make yourselves free ok. And again, this is TBC. I'll update you girls now and then.

So korang2 ni eehh.. pls pls pls come down training. Kita dah betol2 takde masa. If korang ade pape questions, just msn me, call me, sms me, email me. Whatever laa eh is easy for you. Anyways, I need to know when your exams end. So I would know which week we can start training.

Lastly, Good Luck for your exams. Do study hard. Jangan laaa korang fail. Seriously. Aku tak nak korang fail atau amik supp paper. So concentrate on your exams. Boyfriend boyfriend letak tepi dulu. Lepas exams baru bole.. Haha...!

Ok daaaaa~

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