April 29, 2007

Orientation for freshies

Hey girls. Next week, I would be starting the orientation with the freshies and I require ALL of you to attend the orientaion because I want to let the freshies see their juniors and also see what Nira is made of. The first training would be filled with games and not much of dikir but obviously games would be of relevance to dikir. So yeah.

So since Tuesday is a public holiday, unless korang2 ni nak bukak skola laa yer on that day abe bobal2 dgn security guard....
The orientation will be on Thursday, 3rd May 2007 at 6pm. From then onwards, training is twice a week and that would be every Tuesday and Thursday because the next performance would be our AGM performance and it would be held during camp which is on the 18-19 May and if you do realise, we do not have much time. It's only a mere 3 more weeks from now. It's a one night camp and it's gonna be da bomb! DA BOMB! Kalau tak pergi, korang KENTAL k.

So do attend the orientation next Thursday so that you guys could get to know your freshies better. I have about 16 girls who have signed up and I want them to STAY.

If there are any questions, and if you can't attend, do inform me.

But seriously, the best would be for all of you to attend the orientation and not just the SGH or ASGH or committee. I want ALL OF YOU to come. I would be doing some profile updating also on that particular day so it's of significance that you attend.

I have inform you guys like at least a week earlier so that you guys would have time to start out your plans for the week.

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