February 24, 2007

Perkahwinan Kakak Ainn

Kepade kekasih kekasih dan scandal scandal ku di Nira Nyertika...

Besok , 25hb Februari 2007 ada lah hari persandingan....

Nor Liza Bte Ismail
Samsuri Bin Salleh

Kalau tak tau sape hamba Allah ni... ni KAKAK AINN laa....

So, sape sape pergi ni? Ade skali akoo pegi, sorang akoo pat sana. Maklumlah, tak ber-partner. So, please, sesape pergi? Kita pergi ramai2 k? Amacam? On tak??

February 22, 2007

Pentas - Collect Cardboard

Hey girls, props Pentas this year kurang ajar. ALOT. The props team have collected cardboards lah, boxes lah etc. But, of course, they can collect until how many ajer kan. So I need you girls to contribute too.

Kotak-kotak yang korg nampak pat belakang kedai ke ape-ape ke, donate lah kepada props team. they need it alot. Kalau korang rase malu nak bwk kotak besar2, ramai-ramai lah, jadi tak malu.

Collection date: 28th February (Wednesday)
Place: SAR, MAG Meeting Room
Time: 3-5pm
Person to contact: Nadiah (94778714)

Please do your part, after all, we're all be involved in Pentas. Hopefully Nira can contribute as much as possible. Kan nanti org cakap,



February 14, 2007

Something to do.

Ok girls, I got something 4 u girls 2 do. Since PENTAS is "a tribute 2 best friends", i, as part of TPD, wld like any of u 2 send in a small note 2 ur friends. Just a simple note 2 any1. If it's chosen, it'll be in the frontpage of MAG's annual magazine which will b out in MArch. So, write in n email me back by Thursday. Thanks!

Btw, our show on 17 march is confirmed. So, I smell double trouble!

February 9, 2007

Meeting @ El-Sheik is CANCELLED. Thank you.

February 8, 2007

Route to El-Sheik

Ingat tak macam mana korang g Yasmin Cuisine?? From there, walk all the way from Baghdad street, to pahang street. When you see Aliwal St, you'll see shophouses, EL-SHEIK is right in front of you. Agak2 arh kul bape nk sampai. Takmo lambat k??

The link below and the map attached is for your reference.

February 7, 2007

Meeting @ El-Sheik

There will be a meeting @ El-Sheik (Arab St) this SATURDAY 10 FEB 2007, 7.30pm. There are issues pertaining to Pentas to be discussed. Meeting will be chaired by Fid n Mamat. Fish has been sending out confirmation SMS, pls reply asap. Thank You.

February 6, 2007


Attendees for 6 February 2007 trng:
  1. Ain
  2. Jaja
  3. Saihah
  4. Jannah
  5. Fazlina
  6. Laini

To those who had told me earlier, it's a gd thing you did.So far only Fathin & Fish (if I had remembered correctly) informed without asking. Even if you girls dun wanna come, pls pls pls kindly inform me, so these people above do not have to waste their time,effort n money, again. This may sound harsh n you may hate me for this, but 5cents a msg to inform me is not like adding 10 bucks more a burden to your bills. Otherwise, webSMS me via starhub.

There will be no training until further notice. Prolly until exams ends. Stay tune.

February 5, 2007

Pentas Auditions

Pentas Auditions
When: Wednesday, 7 Feb 2007 (7pm)
Where: MSO3
What: Auditions for the main character
Why: We know some of you out there can act, it's time to strut your stuffs!

Anything call me please, Ili has other things to take care of.
Thank you.



Results of the POLL.

Casual Meeting
Where do you think we should hold our not-formal-yet-fun meeting?

El-Sheik (Arab St) 12 (40%)
East Coast Picnic (ECP) 10 (33%)
Ridwan & Fam Rest. (Tamp St 82 4 (13%)
TP Meeting Room (TP) 4 (13%)
30 Total votes

This is the result after I end it.So that means we go El-Sheik?? Details during trng. So, don't forget to come down for trng tommorow, same time, place.

BTW, a note to those who's interested to be one of the main cast for PENTAS, here's an opportunity for you to show your talents, i must say. Audition will be held on:

Date/Day: 7th February 2007 (Wednesday)
Time: 1900hrs
Venue: TAC, Studio 3 (MSO3)
Contact person: Ili (nine-sick-seben-ate-tree-nine-ate-too)

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