August 8, 2008


Hello again girls!(:
Since tomorrow is National Day, and PST will be having a show outside the museum in the morning and in the afternoon, i thought it would be great if we could come down and show our support to the boys. Most preferably the afternoon show which is at 2plus if im not wrong. I'll check again.Since it's National Day, we thought that it'd be a good idea if all of you come dressed in red or white.SEMANGAT LAH KONON...and sooooo...i thought this would be the best time for all of us to BOND lah.abeh tak tahu?haha. Some of the girls including me, Naq and abg Ayu have been discussing about this and we hope that most of you can make it. MY APOLOGIES FOR THE LATE INFO.mintak ampun...selepas itu, kami harap semua akan hadir pada karaoke session yang akan diadakan selepas show PST. Of course nak kene bayar lah..but how much? i dont know.heh. nanti akan saye update korang2 sume eh...PLEASE TEXT/CALL me A.S.A.P.preferably by tonight! nak kene confirm orang2 yg datang...
okay dah.tu jer.

p.s: sorry eh kalau post ni mcm brief sgt psl tgh kelam kabut lah.heh.

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