June 4, 2007

hello girlss..!

Assalammualaikum wr wb

Ini dia SGH kental korang semua. Kkae.. on de last meeting that I had with Nira, I was planning to have a small mini gathering or outing for just us Nira girls. I just want each of us to know each other better. "Bonding" session laa kirekan. Sooo I need your opinion on what kinda outing should I plan...

I have a few in mind.. but if you have any other ideas.. do tag the board okays..
  • Bowling session
  • Dinner (Seoul Garden anyone?)
  • Picnic at some beach (Potluck)
  • A BBQ(Potluck)
  • Hanging out at Esplanade, talk and laugh
  • Cycling session at some beach
  • Kalao tak dinner, Lunch?

So aper pendapat korng? Ader idea lagi bagus? Kalao susah sgt nk blg, korng lei SMS akoo, MSN akoo @ biskot.naq@hotmail.com or email akoo. Nira pon actually ader email... nira.n2t@gmail.com

Tuh laa, tak tawu kan nira ader email? Sebab akoo tak perna blg korng. LOL! Ok takpe2. So do tell me okays. Oh and jangan luper, INCLUDE THE DAYS AND DATES THAT ALL OF YOU ARE FREE!!!! Kalau bole, akoo nak the WHOLE OF NIRA pegi. Kan cam best gituu..!!!

Ok bye..

SGH kental

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