September 14, 2007


This post was lovingly posted by Lela, with inputs from Fish through the phone, during SIP, IN THE OFFICE, while Fish is done with hers -urgh- (and eating at home due to the monthly mess).

Girls, with regards to the entry on 13th Aug, it seems like we have alot of shows coming up, not to mention a comp. We seriously need training, WE know that we aren't HEBAT.

We are training for a comp, for an annual production and for a show. These are not just ordinary performances. People pay to watch us. Our predecessors have set a benchmark, if we can't beat it, at least maintain it.

As for Khatu, I (Lela) am disappointed to know that there were no representatives from Nira for the Taklimat. Are you girls even keen? Cos I am! I am! I am!

I (Fish) have posted the Taklimat date on August 10th. The Taklimat is on September 8th. I'm sure we have ample time to discuss who should go, but nothing was discussed.

Naq and Saihah, please kindly come up with the dates and times for trainings.
It has to start
next week.
Both of us are here if you need assistance.

I (Lela) think we need to have training twice a week. Time is of the essence, darlings. Just a suggestion, for one day to be afternoon, and the other to be at night in case some of you can't make it for both sessions. Someone has to make a move. We can't wait for others, dangling on a string. This is just a suggestion, ultimately, SGH/ASGH are the ones who are suppose to say "yes".

I have people coming up to me asking, "When is training" Now, instead of waiting for miracle, I'm doing something, it's up to the rest to either move along, contribute inputs or just sit and stare at this screen.

One more thing, Naq/Sai, I (Lela) want a list of members, full details, name, contact number, e-mail and also an updated attendance sheet by Sunday. Revert to me if you can't meet the dateline. E-mail me, thanks.

Please note that the blog is here for a reason. Exams are over, everyone have a reason to not skip training, am I making sense?

Note: Do note that we HAVE someone who's willing to guide us for FREE. Unlike the times when there was only us both and Ain. If we want someone to help us, we must first help ourselves.
Thanks Fid for being there.
Thanks Ain for all the work you've done.

Wishing you a fruitful Ramadan.
Semoga amalan-amalan kami diterima Allah S.W.T.

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