November 17, 2007

thank you

Firstly, I would like to congratulate all of you guys for the wonderful performance.. You pple were great.. CACA and LIYANA stole the limelight.. it was a very fun night for me.. and i am so sorry to fid, achiok and im and the rest for letting u guys down as i haven been playing my role as an R&D team.. i noe i haven been there for nira as much.. not going down for trngs often and ever so often halfway i would just walk out to join my trng at titisan..

but the one week of trng was made to good use.. u guys made me feel welcome once again.. and i feel guilty for that.. thank you fish, nana and roosh fr teaching me the ragams.. shiet! im tearing while typing this..

but my fun time wid nira and titisan has come to a stop. it was a really memorable experience this whole 2 years spent wid nira.. it wasnt my choice to leave cz its my passion to perform.. bt coming frm a family who isnt into performing arts.. i find it difficult to reason to my parents.. and even if i did.. they still think it was a waste of time..

it was a deal i had to make.. i cant deny dat i was tearing yesterday wen fid said next show will be khatu and we will practice hard fr it.. as much as i wana be part of it again i cant.. it was a great pleasure to perform wid u guys.. and im so sorry if i had hurt anyone..

thank you once again NIRA, FID, ACHIOK and IM.. the memories wid u guys will always be in my heart.. never will i once forget u guys..

my fun time performing has come to an end. but my passion for performing will never end.

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