June 12, 2007

training times

Assalammualaikum Wr Wb...

Ok, I've set the training times for 19th and 21st June 2007 to be from 12 to 3. I'm sorry for those having SIP or those working during these times. But my decision has to accomodate to the majority. So I hope everyone understands. Anyway, it is only for one week because the training will start at the last week of the 2 week term break.

Subsequent practices when school reopens would be every Tuesday and Thursday. I promised that training would be once a week but due to our upcoming performance on the 7th July, I have to make practices twice a week. I hope I have everyone's co-operation about this ok.

So I want to see you girls in training. Gather at the koi pond if the studio is not open yet k lovelies.

This is your first public performance for the year girls, especially you freshies. Make this experience an enjoyable one and show what we've got.

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