Kita semua dah train-train bagai nak rak hari-hari, bawak props, buat flag, banner, rehearsal hari-hari pat atas stage, balik lambat, lari sana lari sini, tepuk tepuk, jerit jerit....
Dan pada 23hb Mac 2007,
Tears were shed, hugs were given out, good luck's, congratulations, shouts and screams of joy...It's touching to see how we girls have bonded soo much after this production.
To Fid,
Thanks soo much to our love, Fid, for guiding and helping us throughout the past few weeks. I'm sure all of us were touched by what he said to us and I definitely see, almost all of us, shedding tears. He has showed us that the main aim of us performing is to entertain. Nonetheless, our objective of being a dikir barat group is still put into every set we have performed. Thanx Fid for every bit of help, guidance and contribution you have provided N2T with.
To Ainn,
Wow, you're finally graduating. You've been through your ups and downs of being the SGH of N2T. It definitely is sad to see you go. You have done a wonderful job as the SGH. The thought of you not performing your duties well, never did came across our minds. Heck with whatever people have to say abt N2T. What's most important is our spirit and determination to deliver and give all out to the best of our ability. You are most patient with each and everyone of us and we have always respected you in more ways than one. You have helped us understand the meaning of teamwork. Now, you have to pass on the torch and move on with you future endeavours. N2T wishes you the best of luck in the coming years, and never will you be forgotten.
To Mamat,
Eventhough you weren't there throughout all our trainings, you still gave a couple of advise to improve on our performance. We appreciate your presence alot and all of us missed you while you were away at camp, berjuang untuk negara. Huahuahuahua! Anyway, grow back your hair soon and thanks for being there, sparing a thought and a few pieces of advise to N2T.
To Ili,Caca & As,
Tanpa korang tiga puaka, tak tawu aper nak jadi dengan performance N2T. Koranglah yang telah membuat show kiter sungguh lepak dan kelakar. The three of you simply make trainings fun, full of joy and laughter and is never boring. Thanx Caca for sharing some make up tips with us. All of us definitely looked hot on Friday night thanks to your make up. Your commitment to N2T is greatly appreciated, eventhough you had other commitments, like teaching and stuff. Thanx Ili for helping us out. Eventhough you had other responsibilities to take care of, you still spared some time with N2T. Not forgetting As, who is spending her last year with us. Now N2T needs to audition for a new Juara. Anyone interested? Manalah pelapis As?!?! Haha. Tapi As, takmolah luper kiter yer. We still do need you!! Infact,we need ALL OF YOU!
Tanpa korang tiga puaka, tak tawu aper nak jadi dengan performance N2T. Koranglah yang telah membuat show kiter sungguh lepak dan kelakar. The three of you simply make trainings fun, full of joy and laughter and is never boring. Thanx Caca for sharing some make up tips with us. All of us definitely looked hot on Friday night thanks to your make up. Your commitment to N2T is greatly appreciated, eventhough you had other commitments, like teaching and stuff. Thanx Ili for helping us out. Eventhough you had other responsibilities to take care of, you still spared some time with N2T. Not forgetting As, who is spending her last year with us. Now N2T needs to audition for a new Juara. Anyone interested? Manalah pelapis As?!?! Haha. Tapi As, takmolah luper kiter yer. We still do need you!! Infact,we need ALL OF YOU!
To Graduating Seniors,
I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. We appreciated lots of your help in performing together with us for Pentas. All of us are definitely going to miss all of you. But everyone has to say goodbye's. Nothing is forever. We need to move on. So good luck with whatever is in for the future for all of you people. Good luck in your upcoming career and never forget N2T!!!!
I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. We appreciated lots of your help in performing together with us for Pentas. All of us are definitely going to miss all of you. But everyone has to say goodbye's. Nothing is forever. We need to move on. So good luck with whatever is in for the future for all of you people. Good luck in your upcoming career and never forget N2T!!!!
This experince was a first for almost all of us. We performed for Pentas and the feeling of satisfaction was definitely there. Next, it is gonna be a fresh start for all. We are seeing some of our seniors leaving schooland MAG, and we are gonna see a new bunch of people taking charge. As for me, Ainn has put me in-charge of upholding N2T. I really didn't expect any of this happening. I never thought I would be given this responsibility. However, it definitely is an honour and I hope that all of you can cooperate with me. I will always keep on bringing up N2T's name in TP's MAG and even to the school. We need to show that the N2T girls are capable of bringing a name to the school and we are not just another dikir barat girl group. I have confidence for N2T that we are a group where people would go around saying "Eh, Nira punye performance gerek la siak" and no more hearing about N2T's performance being a session for some "smoke-break". I will never leave N2T without leaving a memorable something behind. I want to achieve something that will make N2T outshine the rest. So, as N2T's upcoming SGH, I really hope for your cooperation, commitment, patience and understanding. I don't expect a "one-man show" out of all of this. I hope that we will achieve great experiences in the future to come.
Masa untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal akan tiba untuk semua.
Tetapi, ucapan selamat tinggal itu tidak bermakna semunya akan dilupa.
Namun, kenangan itu tetap wujud disisi persahabatan yang telah ditubuh.
Kini tiba Puspa Dua, Nira Nyertika namanya
Membuat persembahan istimewa
Inilah Puspa Dua,
Nira Nyertika namanya....
Biarlah harum jambangan Puspa
Natijahnya manis, semanisnya Nira
Naq aKa Chombi
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