March 27, 2007

cast ur votes pple..!

I'm planning a small gathering for us N2T-ians... and I have a few suggestions... please give me ur suggestions via the tagboard ok?

Would you like to have a.....

  • Picnic?
  • Bowling session?
  • Swimming?
  • Simple dinner?
  • Zoo trip?
  • An outing? (e.g Vivo? Town? Esplanade?)

So? Your suggestion? Or maybe you could add on to this list....?? Please tell me ASAP okays. I want this to be held before school reopens. If can, I want it to be held NEXT WEEK. Because after that, we would already start to work on the ArtsFest set. I wouldn't want to rush and end up ArtsFest set being a last minute thing or use a recycled set. So yeah....... TELL ME!!!! Or just beep me through my hp, send me an sms, MSN me, email me, call me.. whatever means of communication la ok. =)

Oh k....nih side track sikit eh. Sikit je...tak banyak.....

Akoo tgh go thru semer gambar gambar pentas dari fish nye multiply. 223 gambar lah siak dier ader... dan akoo pon tgh tgk tgk.. akoo spot beberapa gambar yang teramatlah kelakar ok! Akoo dah edit sikit jadi korng nampak lagi clear....

Korang semer conferm tak perasan kan? Aku aderlah tgk gambar nih. Skali kao tgk tuh muker Ainn. Mentang2 dah nak grad, tgh make up pon nak mengucap?Asal Ainn? Sedih sangat eh? Hehe... Dahla pat tgh2 gambar siak. Mcm ironic giler la siol. Org2 lain semer tgh busy make up. Abe dier duduk pat tengah tengah tu abe muker busok mcm gitu. Aku ketawe sorang lah siol tgk ni gambar. Especially muker Ainn tuh HAH!!!

Wang ajiaakk btol nih Caca.Tgh make up kan org dier tunjuk jari cam tu. Ishk. Kalao nih paparazzi, dah kluar magazine BusokPeyOlang la siol.... Eish eish eish........ *geleng kepale*

k dah. tu aje. Kalao ader lagi, akan ku tambah ye. And Nira's Multiply acct is in progress.... =)

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