There are a few issues that I need to mention.
All trainings are compulsory. For those of you who didn't attend the past few trainings, the whole set is complete and our positions are already set.
I have noticed makin lama, makin sikit orang yang datang training. Why? I'm sure you've realised that when you've decided to put your name down for NDP, you know that it would be a commitment which would last a few months.
Semua orang busy. Ada yang bekerja, ada yang sekolah, ada yang kener buat projects tapi if all of these people can sacrifice their weekends, I don't see why some of you that have gone missing, can't do the same. Trainings are only once a week.
For those of you who have thought of backing out, no "MIA"s will be entertained. Don't think you can just walk out of it without informing anyone. You are required to meet Mr Yaziz to explain why you are backing out and the reason has got to be a damn good one.
Quoted from Mr Yaziz
"If it is because your work doesn't allow you to be part of NDP, your company will be required to explain why they do not support NDP."
This is serious business. We are left with approximately 2 months before the real show begins. So please, make everyone's job easy and deal with it for the next 2 months. :)
Beginning this Saturday, all trainings will be at the Marina Floating Platform. Noone, I repeat, NOONE is to be going there on their own. Everyone has to be there via the transportation provided at the 3 pick up points. So please, be punctual so you won't miss the bus.
Kepade mereka-mereka yang tak tau aper bende haram/halal yang patut dibuat disebabkan tk datang training, hadir pada training Khamis ini jadi kalau dah sampai Marina Floating Platform tu, tkde la kehilangan sangat.
Ader chan kita akan memakai baju NDP untuk Saturday, tapi kalau belom dpt t-shirt NDP...
Colour Code for Saturday:

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