February 22, 2007

Pentas - Collect Cardboard

Hey girls, props Pentas this year kurang ajar. ALOT. The props team have collected cardboards lah, boxes lah etc. But, of course, they can collect until how many ajer kan. So I need you girls to contribute too.

Kotak-kotak yang korg nampak pat belakang kedai ke ape-ape ke, donate lah kepada props team. they need it alot. Kalau korang rase malu nak bwk kotak besar2, ramai-ramai lah, jadi tak malu.

Collection date: 28th February (Wednesday)
Place: SAR, MAG Meeting Room
Time: 3-5pm
Person to contact: Nadiah (94778714)

Please do your part, after all, we're all be involved in Pentas. Hopefully Nira can contribute as much as possible. Kan nanti org cakap,



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