February 6, 2007


Attendees for 6 February 2007 trng:
  1. Ain
  2. Jaja
  3. Saihah
  4. Jannah
  5. Fazlina
  6. Laini

To those who had told me earlier, it's a gd thing you did.So far only Fathin & Fish (if I had remembered correctly) informed without asking. Even if you girls dun wanna come, pls pls pls kindly inform me, so these people above do not have to waste their time,effort n money, again. This may sound harsh n you may hate me for this, but 5cents a msg to inform me is not like adding 10 bucks more a burden to your bills. Otherwise, webSMS me via starhub.

There will be no training until further notice. Prolly until exams ends. Stay tune.

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