January 23, 2007


Pls be informed that our trng resume tommorow.Same time, same place. We've got new things to learn n a short important mtg.Those who cant come, sorry pls find out from friends what the mtg is about.

BTW, PERSADA CAMP is cancelled postponed (again) due to aku pon tk tau ape. Next scheduled date for Camp is early MARCH after exams. That is if approved by Director of SAA.

Another thing is there's a sort of a meeting for all Pentas participants this coming Tuesday, same time, place I think mtg room 5 & 6. But I'll try to get them (the directors) to come tmr, so our trng wont be disturbed.

As for the Pentas meeting, i think it's compulsory, but those who cant come, pls inform me, and find out from your friends, since there'll be no repeat telecast. And..i think they're looking for some ppl to help out with stuffs like props n costumes designs ke haper ntah, so, volunteer ONLY if you think you can commit and can give what they want though i believe it's hard so. Jgn nanti dtg ckp tkleh cope, part tu tapak sulaiman singgah.

Any enquiries can holler me back.

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