January 24, 2007

Pentas Meeting

6.30 pm

Venue is yet to be confirmed, just check the tagboard ok.

This is COMPULSORY, the WHOLE of MAG will have to attend this meeting. Unlike previous Pentases, this year's will involve ALOT of sub-groups working TOGETHER.

We need VOLUNTEERS for the preparation of props and costumes.

We need to get these done and over with, so we can concentrate on the trainings. As mentioned earlier, alot of sub-groups will be working together- this means you girls will be involved in other scenes besides solely Nira. By then, we'll be too busy with trainings and rehersals, hence the faster, the better. Oh yes, COMMITMENT is VERY IMPORTANT here. Props kecoh-kecoh belake, babtu ah. Let's make this work girls.

If some of you don't know, the camp is cancelled. The $5 will go to our fund ok. Again, fund is $20. Bayar sikit-sikit, aku paham...

~Lela Bonchjela~

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