Here are some options, after further thinking and contemplating between all the places we have in mind. You know like money matters - some may not like to spend so much, distance - ada org tkde ezlink nk g mane2 or tk semua ade concession, ambience - some may want a quiet environment if there's meeting which is impossible for us, and some may like to talk over meals. Hopefully the meeting will help to break us out from our comfort zone that is our own friends and cliques to Nira as a whole.
Here are the options...
- El-Sheik (Arab St) - Abit far; got shisha; abit expensive
- East Coast Picnic (ECP) - Cheap, can pot-luck; can mandi-manda; abit far; takut hujan
- Ridwan & Family Restaurant (Tampines St 82) - Cheap; near to school; not conducive
- TP meeting room (TP) - Very conducive; cannot eat; very2 near; must book in advance.