April 21, 2009

These are the schedule for cca recruitment drive.

Wednesday, 22/04/2009:
2pm - 5pm : Amira, Liyana

Thursday, 23/04/2009:
10am - 12pm: Liyana, Hidd, Faat
12pm - 2pm: Dinah, Ira Helena, Fau
2pm - 5pm: Fatin, Amira

Friday, 24/04/2009:
10am - 12pm: Aminah, Ameera, Baya
12pm - 2pm: Aisah, Huda
2pm - 5pm: Aida, Dinah, Fatin

Sorry for those yang kene repeat shift but we are short of people. That's why we need to pull alot of people into Nira and make them stay.

Your LOA has been approved and please do come down. SEAL points will be awarded.

Thank you.

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