Hey Everyone...
First of all I would like to give a warm welcome to the new batch for joining Nira Nyertika. I really wish i could see more of you girls in the coming trainings and shows.
Yesterday some of us just had our first NDP training. Wheeee~~~ Hope y'all enjoyed it, especially the long MRT ride. LOL. Kecoh pe budak Nira conquer MRT. haha.
So Abg Yaziz have updated me that the next training will postpone to next wednesday, 6 May @ 7.30-10pm at the same place.
Starting from 23 May, our trainings will be at Kranji Camps and trainings from 11 July will be compulsory for all. Actually it's better to tell yourself that all trainings are important. So I hope to see all of you @ all trainings. The timings and such have been sent to your individual email so please check it out.
Oh Btw, between 15 to 28 May, there'll be a voice/song recording on weekdays. Most probably friday. Kite dikehendaki menyanyi beramai2 dan record. Duhh! haha. Best kan best kan???? Korg excited tak?? Aku excited gile sey. hahahaha.
Anything, please contact either me(67367758) or faat(93598032). Selalu lah visit blog nira and also dikirbarat.com for more updates.
Thank you :)
April 30, 2009
April 26, 2009
Anda mau Wonder Girls?
Macam omputeh kata...
"If they can do it, why not you?"
MAU PAAAHHH JOGET!!!?!?!!?!?!?!
"If they can do it, why not you?"
MAU PAAAHHH JOGET!!!?!?!!?!?!?!
April 25, 2009
Assalamualaikum semua..
Alhamdulillah kita da selesai dengan CCA recruitment show and also the wheelbarrow challenge show. I think we did great for people who get only few days of trainings especially for the wheelbarrow show. Give yourself a pat in the back. Nira mcm candy for the day sey..Orange green...hehe.

Kudos to Hidd for being the karut for cca recruitment day. Amacam hidd?? Best?? haha.

I would like to say thanks to the Alumnis, Naq, Ayu, Rusy and Faj, for helping us out.
And also a special thanks to our friends who helped us getting ready, namely Seri/Suhailah, Hidayah and Aisha/Ashley/Ais. haha.

Adik2, cakap terima kasih dekat kakak..hehe..
Ok so tomorrow is Piala KGMS semi-final. Nira is expected to be at Braddell Heights CC at 12pm. Please dont be late aite.
See you tomorrow!
Alhamdulillah kita da selesai dengan CCA recruitment show and also the wheelbarrow challenge show. I think we did great for people who get only few days of trainings especially for the wheelbarrow show. Give yourself a pat in the back. Nira mcm candy for the day sey..Orange green...hehe.
Kudos to Hidd for being the karut for cca recruitment day. Amacam hidd?? Best?? haha.
I would like to say thanks to the Alumnis, Naq, Ayu, Rusy and Faj, for helping us out.
And also a special thanks to our friends who helped us getting ready, namely Seri/Suhailah, Hidayah and Aisha/Ashley/Ais. haha.

Adik2, cakap terima kasih dekat kakak..hehe..
Ok so tomorrow is Piala KGMS semi-final. Nira is expected to be at Braddell Heights CC at 12pm. Please dont be late aite.
See you tomorrow!
April 21, 2009
These are the schedule for cca recruitment drive.
Wednesday, 22/04/2009:
2pm - 5pm : Amira, Liyana
Thursday, 23/04/2009:
10am - 12pm: Liyana, Hidd, Faat
12pm - 2pm: Dinah, Ira Helena, Fau
2pm - 5pm: Fatin, Amira
Friday, 24/04/2009:
10am - 12pm: Aminah, Ameera, Baya
12pm - 2pm: Aisah, Huda
2pm - 5pm: Aida, Dinah, Fatin
Sorry for those yang kene repeat shift but we are short of people. That's why we need to pull alot of people into Nira and make them stay.
Your LOA has been approved and please do come down. SEAL points will be awarded.
Thank you.
Wednesday, 22/04/2009:
2pm - 5pm : Amira, Liyana
Thursday, 23/04/2009:
10am - 12pm: Liyana, Hidd, Faat
12pm - 2pm: Dinah, Ira Helena, Fau
2pm - 5pm: Fatin, Amira
Friday, 24/04/2009:
10am - 12pm: Aminah, Ameera, Baya
12pm - 2pm: Aisah, Huda
2pm - 5pm: Aida, Dinah, Fatin
Sorry for those yang kene repeat shift but we are short of people. That's why we need to pull alot of people into Nira and make them stay.
Your LOA has been approved and please do come down. SEAL points will be awarded.
Thank you.
April 19, 2009
Untuk minggu yang akan datang..
Minggu yang akan datang ni sungguh hectic buat korang2 somer.
Jangan luper tarikh-tarikh yang penting:
22 April 2009
CCA Recruitment Drive Show
Make sure LOA korang somer sudah submit. Respective schools have different methods of submitting of LOA, so make sure you did it right. Nanti on the day itself tak dpt LOA, bedal baru tau.
24 April 2009
Wheelbarrow Show
This performance will be at night.
SEAL Points akan diberikan untuk both performances.
26 April 2009
Piala KGMS - Peringkat Separuh Akhir
Braddell Heights CC
Kepada yang ingin menonton, harga ticket adalah $10.
Memandangkan minggu ini sungguh la sibuk buat kamu-kamu semua, saya adalah cadangan untuk membuat picnic. Takde tujuan apa2.. sesaje jer nak beriadah, relek relek di tepi pantai since 1st May adalah Labour Day dan 9th May adalah Vesak Day.
So kalau ada mereka yang setuju dengan cadangan saya, bilang la eh. Boleh pergi East Coast ker, Sentosa ker.
Ok dah tu je.
Oh yeaaahh.... sebelom saya luper...
Jangan luper tarikh-tarikh yang penting:
22 April 2009
CCA Recruitment Drive Show
Make sure LOA korang somer sudah submit. Respective schools have different methods of submitting of LOA, so make sure you did it right. Nanti on the day itself tak dpt LOA, bedal baru tau.
24 April 2009
Wheelbarrow Show
This performance will be at night.
SEAL Points akan diberikan untuk both performances.
26 April 2009
Piala KGMS - Peringkat Separuh Akhir
Braddell Heights CC
Kepada yang ingin menonton, harga ticket adalah $10.
Memandangkan minggu ini sungguh la sibuk buat kamu-kamu semua, saya adalah cadangan untuk membuat picnic. Takde tujuan apa2.. sesaje jer nak beriadah, relek relek di tepi pantai since 1st May adalah Labour Day dan 9th May adalah Vesak Day.
So kalau ada mereka yang setuju dengan cadangan saya, bilang la eh. Boleh pergi East Coast ker, Sentosa ker.
Ok dah tu je.
Oh yeaaahh.... sebelom saya luper...
BEST TAK BEST TAK?!?!?!?!?!?!
BEST TAK BEST TAK?!?!?!?!?!?!
April 15, 2009
I want nobody, nobody but you..
I want nobody, nobody but you....
I want nobody, nobody but you....
Nanti kakak hafal dance moves, kiter joget lagu ni pulak k.
Anugerah Aidilfitri dah tak pesen. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA! :p
April 10, 2009
Hi girls..
Saya dan Faat baru saje balik dari Camp semalam, dan kite diberitahu kite akan dpt half of used-to-be-MAG notice board to ourselves and also PST. Makna nya only 1/4 of the notice board to Nira la. Sekarang nie the situation is that PST and us will be together, as in Dikir Barat Group while SNT will be a Malay Dance. Faham tak ape aku cakap nie?? haha.
OK so anyway, Cynthia kasi Dikir Barat and Malay Dance $50 for both noticeboard and booth. Oh btw, kita akan share booth with SNT still. Kita dapat half a table.
The purpose of this post is to gather ideas on how to decorate our noticeboard and also booth. Any ideas??
If anybody has any great ideas to give, just shout out here or call me or faat ASAP and we have to decorate it if possible before next week and before school reopens.
Just a reminder, please datang training every monday, wednesday and friday at 6pm SHARP!!
Thank you.
Saya dan Faat baru saje balik dari Camp semalam, dan kite diberitahu kite akan dpt half of used-to-be-MAG notice board to ourselves and also PST. Makna nya only 1/4 of the notice board to Nira la. Sekarang nie the situation is that PST and us will be together, as in Dikir Barat Group while SNT will be a Malay Dance. Faham tak ape aku cakap nie?? haha.
OK so anyway, Cynthia kasi Dikir Barat and Malay Dance $50 for both noticeboard and booth. Oh btw, kita akan share booth with SNT still. Kita dapat half a table.
The purpose of this post is to gather ideas on how to decorate our noticeboard and also booth. Any ideas??
If anybody has any great ideas to give, just shout out here or call me or faat ASAP and we have to decorate it if possible before next week and before school reopens.
Just a reminder, please datang training every monday, wednesday and friday at 6pm SHARP!!
Thank you.
April 9, 2009
Of Closure of MAG
To clear the doubts that the Alumni are having, I will explain about the current status of TP MAG. What I'm posting is what I got from the people who handled the situation and spoke to Mr Sonny Lim.
For those Facebook users, Anwar (Titisan's Alumni) has created a group "Save Temasek Polytechnic's Malay Arts Group and Titisan Temasek"
You can view the group here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=726742017&v=photos&sb=16#/group.php?gid=65469026503
Quoted from what is stated in the group, the rationale of closing down MAG is:
On top of this rationale, an additional reason was
An explanation was given by Mr Sonny Lim, the director of SAA, in the Facebook Group that states:
We have to give praise to Mr Sonny Lim for clearing the stigma with regards to this. I have never seen any other upper management who is willing to give explainations on why such decisions are made.
However, latest news was Titisan Temasek will NOT be closed down. Instead, they will exist as a Sub-Group of Dramatec. Therefore, they can still practice drama in their existing language and culture, which of course, is Malay. The closure of MAG and Nadi Kesenian is inevitable. I am not sure if there would be reconsiderations in preventing this closure but as of now, Nira Nyertika, Panjy Sry Temasek, Kesenian Si Anak Tari and Titisan Temasek are now stand-alone CCAs. We are not sure if Nira Nyertika and Panjy Sry Temasek will be combined into one CCA which is "Dikir Barat". Most likely, that would be the case since their move is to combine the similar art forms into one.
Before we get emotional about the closure of MAG, we should balanced out the pros and cons of this action that has been carried out by the management of SAA. Looking on the bright side, Nira Nyertika is still around. I won't list down the benefits here because these are administrative issues. However, if need be that the alumni needs to know what these benefits are, you can just contact the SGH (Amira) or ASGH (Faat) of Nira Nyertika.
I hope this clears the air on why MAG is being closed down. I am not sure if any other actions would be carried out to prevent this from happening. All of us are dissapointed with this closure because no MAG simply means no Pentas, no AGM and no other events related to MAG. Existence of MAG hasn't been made official but as of now, we will take it as though MAG is no more.
If there are any mistakes made to this post, please get back to me because I wouldn't want any serious matters to happen.
For those Facebook users, Anwar (Titisan's Alumni) has created a group "Save Temasek Polytechnic's Malay Arts Group and Titisan Temasek"
You can view the group here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=726742017&v=photos&sb=16#/group.php?gid=65469026503
Quoted from what is stated in the group, the rationale of closing down MAG is:
The Malay Arts Group and Titisan Temasek will be closed down in the coming academic year stating administrative issues such as, it doesn't contribute to the number of admissions into the tertiary.
On top of this rationale, an additional reason was
According to the director, SAA so called wanna "renovate" the cca groups and concentrate more on ARTS rather than a culture group. They wanted to closed down all the other drama group like Indian culture group and MAG and focus on individual arts group. And they expect Titisan temasek members to join Dramatec (an english drama group) and Nadi kesenian (Production crew in MAG) to join TP's official prouction team. With this, they so called "hope" that they could concentrate on each arts group and bring them up to be the best in TP.
An explanation was given by Mr Sonny Lim, the director of SAA, in the Facebook Group that states:
The Malay Arts Group is actually an umbrella group that covers a collection of individual arts groups – the Malay Dancers, the Dikir Barat and the Malay Drama Group. All these three are actually separate performing categories; they are not one and the same. They have just been gathered together under one umbrella. There is a historical reason for this, because many years ago, we had a separate section of umbrella groups. For example, we also had the Martial Arts Group. This Martial Arts Group covered Chinese martial arts, judo, taekwondo etc. Over time, this Martial Arts Group has re-organized so that now we have martial arts listed on their own merits – we now have Aikido, Taekwondo and Silat which all exist independently.
Similarly, I felt that it is now time for the Malay Dancers and the Dikir Barat to come out from under the umbrella and exist independently and be showcased on their own merits. My plan is for them to be listed separately and exist proudly on their own, just like Aikido, Taekwondo and Silat now exist proudly on their own. It just makes more sense, since our Arts Division proudly presents a list of individual performing arts groups. I would like every group therefore to be listed separately. This also always leads to the members of the group working very proudly to raise their standards even higher, and this is a good aim to have.
We have to give praise to Mr Sonny Lim for clearing the stigma with regards to this. I have never seen any other upper management who is willing to give explainations on why such decisions are made.
However, latest news was Titisan Temasek will NOT be closed down. Instead, they will exist as a Sub-Group of Dramatec. Therefore, they can still practice drama in their existing language and culture, which of course, is Malay. The closure of MAG and Nadi Kesenian is inevitable. I am not sure if there would be reconsiderations in preventing this closure but as of now, Nira Nyertika, Panjy Sry Temasek, Kesenian Si Anak Tari and Titisan Temasek are now stand-alone CCAs. We are not sure if Nira Nyertika and Panjy Sry Temasek will be combined into one CCA which is "Dikir Barat". Most likely, that would be the case since their move is to combine the similar art forms into one.
Before we get emotional about the closure of MAG, we should balanced out the pros and cons of this action that has been carried out by the management of SAA. Looking on the bright side, Nira Nyertika is still around. I won't list down the benefits here because these are administrative issues. However, if need be that the alumni needs to know what these benefits are, you can just contact the SGH (Amira) or ASGH (Faat) of Nira Nyertika.
I hope this clears the air on why MAG is being closed down. I am not sure if any other actions would be carried out to prevent this from happening. All of us are dissapointed with this closure because no MAG simply means no Pentas, no AGM and no other events related to MAG. Existence of MAG hasn't been made official but as of now, we will take it as though MAG is no more.
If there are any mistakes made to this post, please get back to me because I wouldn't want any serious matters to happen.
April 3, 2009
Directions to Potong Pasir CC
Tak tahu macam maner nak ker Potong Pasir CC?
Sila clik sini.
Potong Pasir MRT station is on the NORTH EAST LINE. (Yang warna purple tu)
Ekceli, saya sendiri tak tahu ader MRT kat Potong Pasir. Haha. So jumpa anda di Potong Pasir MRT.
Segala pertanyaan, sila hubungisaudara saudari Amira yer kengkwns.
Jumpa anda hujung minggu ini.
Sila clik sini.
Potong Pasir MRT station is on the NORTH EAST LINE. (Yang warna purple tu)
Ekceli, saya sendiri tak tahu ader MRT kat Potong Pasir. Haha. So jumpa anda di Potong Pasir MRT.
Segala pertanyaan, sila hubungi
Jumpa anda hujung minggu ini.
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