sincerely,from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
& on behalf of Nira Nyertika,
to all the seniors who came down to support, thank you.
to Ain and Lela for coming down to help despite their busy schedules, thank you.
to Hydil, Achiok, Isa, Alep, Mamat and whoever who has helped nira in any way, thank you.
&last but not least, to Fid, THANK YOU.
thank you everyone.
okay dah.stop stop.
dah nak start emo ni...
i shall save my speech until we meet again, insya'allah.
keep yourselves updated yeah.rajin-rajinlah bace blog ni haa...
tika hati paut sayang, kenangan indah
kutatap mayang, bergenang mata
menjadi sudah, ahai adinda, adikku Nira.
semakin hari, semakin sayang...
well done girls!(:
and YES!you've all made me a HAPPY HAPPY GOOBER once again!
salam sayang,
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