Satu detik,Satu tika,Satu tanda tanya...Di manakah puspa yang ku impi?
Di mana niranya manis sekali...
Berputiklah ahai indah berseri
Mekarlah jambangan harum tak terperi
Lembut berkembang gubahan mayang
Sama sehayun asyiknya lenggang
Ribuan warna mengutus riang
Harap menjenguk, air mata bergenang
Konon tebal selaput dalam naluri
Benih disemai putik menanti
Detik, waktu berganti hari
Pucuk meninggi menunduk sepi
Maka terciptalah
satu luahan,
satu gubahan...
Satu kumpulan...
Eh... ni dah kenapa ni?
Nak berpuitis pulak...
Maaf... Aku start balik...
Aku bingit!
Mana-mana aku pergi, mesti ada halangan...
Mana aku pusing mesti ada tembok...
Mana aku toleh mesti ada lahabau yang ketawakan aku, ejek aku dengan lidah terjelir, "Kau tak akan sampai... Kau tak boleh... Tak boleh... Tak boleh...!!!"
6 bulan lepas... Aku rasa gini...
"Ohh.. I mailed to him the instructors form..."
"Ohh.. We'll talk about it..."
"Ohh.. Don't worry..."
"Huh? Did I say what I said? Since when did I promise?"
Tak cukup? Meh kita sambung lagi.
"Huh? Nak buat apa?"
"Huh? Nak tanya siapa?"
"Huh? Nak apa?"
Aku nak...
a. Angkat kaki jalan...
b. Ikutkan membabi buta...
c. Bunuh orang...
d. Bunuh diri...
"Macam mana kau gilap macam kera nak kopek kwaci pun, boleh ke permata tu sinar?"
"Biarkan... Tengok... Sokong... Senyum..."
Aku tunggu... Aku sabar... Aku buat lirik... Yang pat atas tu.
Macam-macam rintangan datang. Aku diam.
Macam-macam masalah melawat. Aku nasihat.
Macam-macam hal ceroboh. Aku sabar.
Korang sabar.
Korang tabah.
Korang cuba.
Aku tengok.
................ Senyum.
You shouldn't thank me.
You are the stars of your own creation.
You can now walk.
You've grown.
You now track your own footsteps in the sand.
You can now leave your trail of legacy.
I've sticked to my promise.
I've changed people's perception.
I've 1 more promise to go...
Then... It's time for you to make your own promise.
To stick to it.
I'm sorry.
Ain - My heart broke when I read the end of your entry. Touched. But it seems that I've let you down. You know what? Maybe, it meant that maybe, one day, it'll be me playing to your lyrics instead.
Lela - You have always been a dear to me. You dedication is examplary. Your loyalty is true. You should be the one tracking the first few steps, for the girls to follow.
Fish - You are my silent worker. No complains. No sighs. Nothing. You just do your job and never give-up. You are my motivation. And you should be theirs too.
Naq, Saihah - Leaders in my eyes. You will succeed. You will. Trust me.
Liyana - You are next.
Nira - You make me whole.
Every beginning has an end.
This is the end of my post.