September 30, 2007


Due to low response....


I repeat...


I'm finding an alternative. I'll update about it by tomorrow.

September 28, 2007

Nira's blog has reached it's 100th POST!!!

*Applauds loudly*

Iftar 2007

kita akan ke sana ramai-ramai selepas training. and since we're not combining with PST, if you want to bring your partner dan yang sewaktu dengannya, silakan lah...

jumpa anda di sana!

ps: nira's multiply is updated. those who have an account, please add. friendster is on the way (:

pss: a blogger account under nira's gmail has been created. for executive committee who's not using blogger and would like to post entries in this blog, you can ask me for the password (:

September 26, 2007


Sorry friends I didn't attend yesterday's training. Very sorry.

Anyways, for tomorrow's training, it will be held at the Sports Complex. Yes, you got it right.


So bring sports shoes and a pair of track pants or shorts. *Just as long as you're "well covered" k.* Bulan puasa ni, kadang2 bukan makin turun berat badan.. tapi makan naik. Bulan puasa paling banyak makanan, dendeng laaa.. burger ramly laaa.. Macam2 ah.
So besok training kiter akan buat physical training sikit. Confirm fun.

Anyways, next week Nira akan aderkan iftar di Seoul Garden. I thought of waiting to tell you until training tomorrow, but then right, aku nak kener ader confirmation by tomorrow about the no. of pax that would be iftar-ing.

The details are as follows:

Event: Iftar 2007
Venue: Seoul Garden Marina Square
Date: 2nd October 2007
Price: $25

Please think about it tonight and tell me the number of people going so that I can reconfirm the reservation of seats by tomorrow please. Do take note that its the date where there is training. So kiter bole pegi ramai2 naik MRT. KAN BEST!!!

Aku dah excited. See you girls in training tomorrow!!

September 24, 2007


Untuk pengetahuan semua, fund kami berjumlah $10.40. Selaku Treasurer, saya akan mengollect wang dari anda apabila bertemu kelak. Sediakan $10 di dalam dompet ya. Sudah berbulan berhutang. Di bulan yang baik ini, marilah sama-sama kami a'ah lah.

Susah jugak eh blog in malay.

Salam sayang,
TailOrlelawati (Tailong+Norlelawati)

Wahhh... da dapat first message from Email Form ah!


Form was submitted: Sep 23 2007 / 16:25:03
Message: Ahhh... ni baru best... very good job gals... cuma... knape gambar aku pat sini ngan pat blog PST sama ekh? hehehehe... alah banyak komplen plak... ok... R U READY?....
Sender: fid

hahahahhaa.... tanya naq. dier yang curi gambar.. hahahaha. k nira, fid tanyer, da ready atau belum? ingat, BESOK ADA TRAINING OK. jadi.. jangan tak jadi. kalau tak jadi, buat sampai jadi ok? and please jangan lambat. start cepat, abis cepat. ok go!

Quote: - "Jangan melayukan melayu" maka itu dengan kerjasama semua, hapuskan istilah 'janji melayu'.


By the way, pada sesiapa yang masih tak tau, nira ada account multiply, slide and photobucket. username and password standard. kalau nak contribute to anything, sila kan sajer... just don't misuse the account ok?

selamat menjalani ibadah puasa yang hari ke 12! =D

September 21, 2007

Training dates

I've just noticed that the schedule starts from October onwards.

Bare in mind that training starts NEXT WEEK and that would be 25th September 2007, 2-5pm. I'm being informed about the design students still having school. I understand you still have lessons going on. Don't worry. Just make yourself present for training if you have a break between classes or something. The least is that you are informed of any progress made during training and your attendance are noted of.

So I repeat again...


25th September & 27th September 2007
Meet at the Koi Pond
See you girls during trainings. ~
Oh and please, do inform me or any of the seniors if you can't attend training. Takkan tu pon nk blg jugak.

September 18, 2007

Training Dates

Hi Darlings, here are the tabled training schedule, discussed with Naq.
It's small, so just click to see an enlarged version.

I've printed and laminated pocket-size schedules for you girls.
I'll pass them to you when I see you okay!
Yes, it's pocket-sized, please keep it in your purse. It's like a 'tangkal'.

By the way, there's no Sunday in my calendar.
Cos it's time to REST and to condition yourself for yet another Mondaaay!
(Actually to save space! Hee)
So I see you girls then!
Remind me to pass the pocket-sized schedule okay.
I'm old and forgetful.

So for those who miss trainings,
hope this schedule will leave you SMILING all the way!

Lotsa Love,

September 14, 2007


This post was lovingly posted by Lela, with inputs from Fish through the phone, during SIP, IN THE OFFICE, while Fish is done with hers -urgh- (and eating at home due to the monthly mess).

Girls, with regards to the entry on 13th Aug, it seems like we have alot of shows coming up, not to mention a comp. We seriously need training, WE know that we aren't HEBAT.

We are training for a comp, for an annual production and for a show. These are not just ordinary performances. People pay to watch us. Our predecessors have set a benchmark, if we can't beat it, at least maintain it.

As for Khatu, I (Lela) am disappointed to know that there were no representatives from Nira for the Taklimat. Are you girls even keen? Cos I am! I am! I am!

I (Fish) have posted the Taklimat date on August 10th. The Taklimat is on September 8th. I'm sure we have ample time to discuss who should go, but nothing was discussed.

Naq and Saihah, please kindly come up with the dates and times for trainings.
It has to start
next week.
Both of us are here if you need assistance.

I (Lela) think we need to have training twice a week. Time is of the essence, darlings. Just a suggestion, for one day to be afternoon, and the other to be at night in case some of you can't make it for both sessions. Someone has to make a move. We can't wait for others, dangling on a string. This is just a suggestion, ultimately, SGH/ASGH are the ones who are suppose to say "yes".

I have people coming up to me asking, "When is training" Now, instead of waiting for miracle, I'm doing something, it's up to the rest to either move along, contribute inputs or just sit and stare at this screen.

One more thing, Naq/Sai, I (Lela) want a list of members, full details, name, contact number, e-mail and also an updated attendance sheet by Sunday. Revert to me if you can't meet the dateline. E-mail me, thanks.

Please note that the blog is here for a reason. Exams are over, everyone have a reason to not skip training, am I making sense?

Note: Do note that we HAVE someone who's willing to guide us for FREE. Unlike the times when there was only us both and Ain. If we want someone to help us, we must first help ourselves.
Thanks Fid for being there.
Thanks Ain for all the work you've done.

Wishing you a fruitful Ramadan.
Semoga amalan-amalan kami diterima Allah S.W.T.

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