April 29, 2007
Orientation for freshies
Hey girls. Next week, I would be starting the orientation with the freshies and I require ALL of you to attend the orientaion because I want to let the freshies see their juniors and also see what Nira is made of. The first training would be filled with games and not much of dikir but obviously games would be of relevance to dikir. So yeah.
So since Tuesday is a public holiday, unless korang2 ni nak bukak skola laa yer on that day abe bobal2 dgn security guard....
The orientation will be on Thursday, 3rd May 2007 at 6pm. From then onwards, training is twice a week and that would be every Tuesday and Thursday because the next performance would be our AGM performance and it would be held during camp which is on the 18-19 May and if you do realise, we do not have much time. It's only a mere 3 more weeks from now. It's a one night camp and it's gonna be da bomb! DA BOMB! Kalau tak pergi, korang KENTAL k.
So do attend the orientation next Thursday so that you guys could get to know your freshies better. I have about 16 girls who have signed up and I want them to STAY.
If there are any questions, and if you can't attend, do inform me.
But seriously, the best would be for all of you to attend the orientation and not just the SGH or ASGH or committee. I want ALL OF YOU to come. I would be doing some profile updating also on that particular day so it's of significance that you attend.
I have inform you guys like at least a week earlier so that you guys would have time to start out your plans for the week.
So since Tuesday is a public holiday, unless korang2 ni nak bukak skola laa yer on that day abe bobal2 dgn security guard....
The orientation will be on Thursday, 3rd May 2007 at 6pm. From then onwards, training is twice a week and that would be every Tuesday and Thursday because the next performance would be our AGM performance and it would be held during camp which is on the 18-19 May and if you do realise, we do not have much time. It's only a mere 3 more weeks from now. It's a one night camp and it's gonna be da bomb! DA BOMB! Kalau tak pergi, korang KENTAL k.
So do attend the orientation next Thursday so that you guys could get to know your freshies better. I have about 16 girls who have signed up and I want them to STAY.
If there are any questions, and if you can't attend, do inform me.
But seriously, the best would be for all of you to attend the orientation and not just the SGH or ASGH or committee. I want ALL OF YOU to come. I would be doing some profile updating also on that particular day so it's of significance that you attend.
I have inform you guys like at least a week earlier so that you guys would have time to start out your plans for the week.
April 26, 2007
Pebtas Janji Post Mortem
Venue: LT20 (Business school)
Time: 7pm (Friday, 27th April)
Old and New are welcomed.
See you there Nira Darlings.
Time: 7pm (Friday, 27th April)
Old and New are welcomed.
See you there Nira Darlings.
April 20, 2007
Takde Training
You guys must be wondering why it's cancelled eventhough the show is next week....
It's because apparently I'm getting sick and tired of having to come down to training everyday, seeing only a mere 5 or less people in the HUGE studio. I'm beginning to see that the studio and Arts Space is actually big.
I get it that you guys have informed me that you guys can't commit due to other commitments. Some of you have work, some of you have don't know what. Some promise to come, but in the end didn't. Some just had no reason to come down for training.
Orang yang ader SIP pon sanggup turon dari City Hall to school to attend training, and with what? A mere 5 pathetic people. Even people who have to train other schools, came down,but with what? Hardly a full row of girls. If anyone thinks that they have commitments, other people also have commitments.
I'm really dissapointed ok. And for this, I want ALL OF YOU to perform. Next week is the start of school and I'm sure none of you would still be working. I don't think you girls would still have "commitments" of any other sort. C'mon girls, Nira has a full good strength right now ok. I don't want it to go lesser.
In fact, I aimed to recruit 20 girls this year. And if I see this kinda attitude continuing in the future, I don't think I would be able to see my 20 girls.
The show is on Wednesday, 25th April 2007. There will be rehearsal on Monday, 8.30pm-9pm. I'm will be making use of Monday and Tuesday for ALL OF YOU to train on your ragams and song. I will post the song here and also on Nira's Multiply. Ragams are all recycled so I believe that none of you will be having problems.
So please eh girls, I want to see all of you on Monday. Training will start at 6pm SHARP!
Me and Jaja will be making calls to all of you to inform you guys of training.
Please do yourself a favour, and do Nira a favour.
You guys must be wondering why it's cancelled eventhough the show is next week....
It's because apparently I'm getting sick and tired of having to come down to training everyday, seeing only a mere 5 or less people in the HUGE studio. I'm beginning to see that the studio and Arts Space is actually big.
I get it that you guys have informed me that you guys can't commit due to other commitments. Some of you have work, some of you have don't know what. Some promise to come, but in the end didn't. Some just had no reason to come down for training.
Orang yang ader SIP pon sanggup turon dari City Hall to school to attend training, and with what? A mere 5 pathetic people. Even people who have to train other schools, came down,but with what? Hardly a full row of girls. If anyone thinks that they have commitments, other people also have commitments.
I'm really dissapointed ok. And for this, I want ALL OF YOU to perform. Next week is the start of school and I'm sure none of you would still be working. I don't think you girls would still have "commitments" of any other sort. C'mon girls, Nira has a full good strength right now ok. I don't want it to go lesser.
In fact, I aimed to recruit 20 girls this year. And if I see this kinda attitude continuing in the future, I don't think I would be able to see my 20 girls.
The show is on Wednesday, 25th April 2007. There will be rehearsal on Monday, 8.30pm-9pm. I'm will be making use of Monday and Tuesday for ALL OF YOU to train on your ragams and song. I will post the song here and also on Nira's Multiply. Ragams are all recycled so I believe that none of you will be having problems.
So please eh girls, I want to see all of you on Monday. Training will start at 6pm SHARP!
Me and Jaja will be making calls to all of you to inform you guys of training.
Please do yourself a favour, and do Nira a favour.
April 17, 2007
Chalet & training.
Saturday, 21st April,
Lina will be holding a chalet, where MAG will be there to bond.You are to pay $2 each. Do turn up. We're trying to glue you guys.
No use bawah sebumbung, tapi tak kenal. Sini cakap sane stare, sane cakap sini stare. Padahal, innocent, both sides tak stare sape2. Ni example jer eh. Aku tanak dengar mrepek meraban like "No matter what ppl say..." those kinds off bulls.
Anyways, hope to have fun. We seniors would really be thankful if you girls turn up. Planning was done way ahead, just for korangs.
Anyways, how polite of you girls to just disappear from training. Arts Fest is next week, kalau korang rase korang sume da SUPERB, POWER, MAMPAT, HEBAT, HANDAL, MAGNIFICENT, aku nak tengok jer.
The reason why Nira was one of the sub-grp chosen from MAG is cos THEY (orang atas) know that we'll be able to make-it for rehersals which is Monday and Tues night, if I'm not mistaken.
Aku bukan nak berbual world, tapi, aku nga SIP, end at 6.30pm, yang da lengit, bangun pukul 6pagi, bole turun all the way to sch, just to make sure everything's alright, tapi KORNG TAKDE. FOR YOUR INFO, I WON'T BE PERFORMING, PASAL KEADAAN TAK MENGIZINKAN, which sucks as hell.
Jadi kalau korang fikir, korang banyak commitment, dengar2 kite ni bukan anak org, bukan matair orang, bukan kakak orang, bukan adik orang, bukan employee orang. Kalau korang ade laki, nak buatkan kopi ke, ade anak, nak kene netek kan ke, korang SHOULD HAVE THE BLOODY INITIATIVE TO INFORM NAQ.
Fid da sampai tepat pada waktu, dah nak ajar, budak-budak takde. Ape ni? FOR YOUR INFO, Fid buat ni sume, tak dibayar, da setahun. WHY? Ask him why he's been there. ASK HIM.
Bagus eh DISCIPLINE korang.
Tu sebab, aku nak baik-baik pun da malas, dengan korang nye perangai gini. SO, kalau korang rase, korang nye reason as to why korang tak datang tadi tu valid, no matter how late or whatever, u can inform Naq.
Kalau korang rase aku ni kasar, fikirkan lah eh nape korang terase. Akunye orang, aku tak suke, aku cakap, takde nak diam, and expect u girls to know, gitu bila mau game? Nak berbual belakang korang? Takde mase. Sini, korang suke kan bace2 blog. Bace sini.
If you think what I've mentioned above don't make sense at all, come to me and spit it to my face. I'll take this entry off.
I don't like to use kekerasan. Don't make me.
Seikhlas Hati,
April 13, 2007
Training next week.
My fellow lovely girls....
Next week will be a whole week of training. Why? It's because we do not have much time left to prepare for our Arts Fest performance which will be happening on the 25th April 2007.
So for next week, training will be EVERYDAY and it will start at 5pm. Yer, aku tau,hari-hari. If you are not coming, please have the initiative to inform me so that all of us do not have to wait for each other, macam tongong and guessing whether you would be attending training or not.
So please please do each other a favour. If you don't want to inform me, the least you could do is inform your fellow friends, so that whenever I ask, at least I would get a response rather than a "I dunno." C'mon girls, it's time that we take things seriously, and professionally.
Hope I see youguys girls during training next week. With your commitment and cooperation, I'm sure we can pull this off.
P.S. Fellow alumni, if it is possible, you can come down to training and help us for this performance. Because, unfortunately, we don't have enough man power. So yeah. That's about it. Please do inform me if you guys are coming ok. Thanks. Lop ya!
Next week will be a whole week of training. Why? It's because we do not have much time left to prepare for our Arts Fest performance which will be happening on the 25th April 2007.
So for next week, training will be EVERYDAY and it will start at 5pm. Yer, aku tau,hari-hari. If you are not coming, please have the initiative to inform me so that all of us do not have to wait for each other, macam tongong and guessing whether you would be attending training or not.
So please please do each other a favour. If you don't want to inform me, the least you could do is inform your fellow friends, so that whenever I ask, at least I would get a response rather than a "I dunno." C'mon girls, it's time that we take things seriously, and professionally.
Hope I see you
P.S. Fellow alumni, if it is possible, you can come down to training and help us for this performance. Because, unfortunately, we don't have enough man power. So yeah. That's about it. Please do inform me if you guys are coming ok. Thanks. Lop ya!
April 10, 2007
Yes I know. Last minute nyer story but I also know about ArtsFest LAST MINUTE GILER!!!!!
Arts Fest will be either on 24th or 25th April.
We are left with hardly less than 2 weeks to prepare.
Training will be this THURSDAY, 12th April 2007, at 6pm. Meet at KOI POND because I'm not sure whether we can get a studio on that day or not. Me, Sai and Lela won't be coming early because we have a camp on that day and we are not sure what time it ends. So please please attend training ok. I'll be sending out SMSes to certain people. So those whom I sent it to, please tell your fellow friends. Prepaid akoo budget giler!
So I'll see you on Thursday ok. I have put Jaja,Wani and Nana in charge for the moment to get the keys, start training and what not.
Please come early so we can have a fruitful training. Love u girls.
Yes I know. Last minute nyer story but I also know about ArtsFest LAST MINUTE GILER!!!!!
Arts Fest will be either on 24th or 25th April.
We are left with hardly less than 2 weeks to prepare.
Training will be this THURSDAY, 12th April 2007, at 6pm. Meet at KOI POND because I'm not sure whether we can get a studio on that day or not. Me, Sai and Lela won't be coming early because we have a camp on that day and we are not sure what time it ends. So please please attend training ok. I'll be sending out SMSes to certain people. So those whom I sent it to, please tell your fellow friends. Prepaid akoo budget giler!
So I'll see you on Thursday ok. I have put Jaja,Wani and Nana in charge for the moment to get the keys, start training and what not.
Please come early so we can have a fruitful training. Love u girls.
April 7, 2007
Kkae...akoo sudah dpt maklumat tentang camp Arts Introduction tu kan....
Camp tu utk Sub comm n Main Comm sahaja!!!
Huahuahuahuahua!!!! SGH Nira belo!! SGH Nira belo..!!!
Tapi kan, akoo tgh tunggang langgang kanchiong mcm haperr buat admin stuff ni. Aku akan add SEMUA korang pey namer for the Arts Fest Performance. So, kalao korng ni last minute nak perform, at least dah ader LOA. More details of Arts Fest would be informed sooner or later, once I get the information soon.
So for now, please do regular visits on this site and Nira's blog and also YOUR EMAILS!
SMSes, erm, depends on my pp8 alrights.
Camp tu utk Sub comm n Main Comm sahaja!!!
Huahuahuahuahua!!!! SGH Nira belo!! SGH Nira belo..!!!
Tapi kan, akoo tgh tunggang langgang kanchiong mcm haperr buat admin stuff ni. Aku akan add SEMUA korang pey namer for the Arts Fest Performance. So, kalao korng ni last minute nak perform, at least dah ader LOA. More details of Arts Fest would be informed sooner or later, once I get the information soon.
So for now, please do regular visits on this site and Nira's blog and also YOUR EMAILS!
SMSes, erm, depends on my pp8 alrights.
April 6, 2007
Arts Introduction Camp
Next week, there will be a 2-day Arts Introduction Camp. This is a compulsory camp ok. I will get the information about it very soon and so I will update you guys about it. From what I know, it will be on the 11th and 12th April.
So please please make the days free. We didn't have a Persada Camp, so this would is the camp that all of us have been waiting for. *i presume*
Sorry for the tunggang-langgang-ness of the SGH duties. Akoo masih blur GILER BABI pey pasal hal ehwal luar dan dalam sebagai seorg SGH. Kanchiong k akoo! Sampai dates n day pon mix up. *u know, i know eh Ainn.*
I will be sending emails and a few SMSes. Harap maklom, akoo adelah pengguna prepaid card eh, bukan bill.
Till the next update......
Next week, there will be a 2-day Arts Introduction Camp. This is a compulsory camp ok. I will get the information about it very soon and so I will update you guys about it. From what I know, it will be on the 11th and 12th April.
So please please make the days free. We didn't have a Persada Camp, so this would is the camp that all of us have been waiting for. *i presume*
Sorry for the tunggang-langgang-ness of the SGH duties. Akoo masih blur GILER BABI pey pasal hal ehwal luar dan dalam sebagai seorg SGH. Kanchiong k akoo! Sampai dates n day pon mix up. *u know, i know eh Ainn.*
I will be sending emails and a few SMSes. Harap maklom, akoo adelah pengguna prepaid card eh, bukan bill.
Till the next update......
April 4, 2007
multiply account
Hey girls...
I've created Nira's very own multiply account...
Do visit it.. and there's a surprise for u girls......
It's done by me.. Soo GO GO GO!!!!
I've created Nira's very own multiply account...
Do visit it.. and there's a surprise for u girls......
It's done by me.. Soo GO GO GO!!!!
April 1, 2007
bowling outing
Aloha fellow N2t-ians.......
Ok so I've been thinking about the outing that I'm planning to have....
And I think I would be going for the bowling idea.
But why not picnic?
It's because it's about leceh la. Korang imagine eh, nak bawak tikar, makanan, plates, forks, spoons, drinks, cups. Who's gonna bring food? Dgr2 picnic kao duduk bawak pokok kelape, abe main hindustan dgn each other. Touching okays. So yeah, abit leceh.
Tapi swimming ok ape? Zoo pon bole jugak.
Swimming..?? Hmm.... ntah eh. Akoo macam find it abit boring. Kalao pegi Wild Wild Wet takpe jugak, Lela dgn Jaja blanje. LOL! Escape oso ok la tapi expensive uh. Abe nanti korang takot tgh kering. Bank account korang pon dah mintak hampun siak. *Lagi2 bank account akoo. Dah puase entah brape bulan. Kesian.* Zoo? Jauh eh! Lagipon, nak pegi Zoo kener pagi. Tapi tgk keadaan korng2 semer, training kul 10 je asik datang lambat. So idea Zoo tu scrap!
Abe dinner? Kan senang tu.
Senang mmg la senang. Tapi kan, ader ker korang nak dtg? Anyways, kiter ni kalao datang 3-4 org bole la jugak. Skali datang dgn satu bas rombongan? Mintak hampun siak pekerja tempat mkn tu. Tempat mkn tu skali mintak hampun. And again, $$$? Anyways, akoo kalao dinner, at least I wana book sum place wif gud ambience. Takkan la kao nak suro akoo book tempat kedai kopi siak. Dgr2 kedai kopi buat reservation? *Tekno buat reservation? Uncle Soon meninggal agaknye nak amik order kiter.* But if anyone is with it, den akoo tak kesah.
So therefore, the final decision would be BOWLING!
I have yet to confirm with you guys the time, date and venue for this. I was thinking about Marina Square's bowling alley. Because it's not always crowded and it's a good session for us to enjoy ourselves before the school semester starts. Then after that, we can have lepak session at Esplanade or something. So yeah, I'll think about it. Korang2 rajinlah baca blog nira. Ader blog buat ape kan? Takkan buat tayangkan ajer.... Takmo waste blogspot nyer resources k.*walaupon its free.*
So my lovely sweethearts, I really hope ALL OF YOU can make it for this outing okay. For once, I wana see the original group of freshies who first join Nira. It would be nice to see that whole of Nira again. Mcm kewl gitu kan?
Till then, I will update about the outing again. =)
Chombi The Makcik.
Ok so I've been thinking about the outing that I'm planning to have....
And I think I would be going for the bowling idea.
But why not picnic?
It's because it's about leceh la. Korang imagine eh, nak bawak tikar, makanan, plates, forks, spoons, drinks, cups. Who's gonna bring food? Dgr2 picnic kao duduk bawak pokok kelape, abe main hindustan dgn each other. Touching okays. So yeah, abit leceh.
Tapi swimming ok ape? Zoo pon bole jugak.
Swimming..?? Hmm.... ntah eh. Akoo macam find it abit boring. Kalao pegi Wild Wild Wet takpe jugak, Lela dgn Jaja blanje. LOL! Escape oso ok la tapi expensive uh. Abe nanti korang takot tgh kering. Bank account korang pon dah mintak hampun siak. *Lagi2 bank account akoo. Dah puase entah brape bulan. Kesian.* Zoo? Jauh eh! Lagipon, nak pegi Zoo kener pagi. Tapi tgk keadaan korng2 semer, training kul 10 je asik datang lambat. So idea Zoo tu scrap!
Abe dinner? Kan senang tu.
Senang mmg la senang. Tapi kan, ader ker korang nak dtg? Anyways, kiter ni kalao datang 3-4 org bole la jugak. Skali datang dgn satu bas rombongan? Mintak hampun siak pekerja tempat mkn tu. Tempat mkn tu skali mintak hampun. And again, $$$? Anyways, akoo kalao dinner, at least I wana book sum place wif gud ambience. Takkan la kao nak suro akoo book tempat kedai kopi siak. Dgr2 kedai kopi buat reservation? *Tekno buat reservation? Uncle Soon meninggal agaknye nak amik order kiter.* But if anyone is with it, den akoo tak kesah.
So therefore, the final decision would be BOWLING!
I have yet to confirm with you guys the time, date and venue for this. I was thinking about Marina Square's bowling alley. Because it's not always crowded and it's a good session for us to enjoy ourselves before the school semester starts. Then after that, we can have lepak session at Esplanade or something. So yeah, I'll think about it. Korang2 rajinlah baca blog nira. Ader blog buat ape kan? Takkan buat tayangkan ajer.... Takmo waste blogspot nyer resources k.*walaupon its free.*
So my lovely sweethearts, I really hope ALL OF YOU can make it for this outing okay. For once, I wana see the original group of freshies who first join Nira. It would be nice to see that whole of Nira again. Mcm kewl gitu kan?
Till then, I will update about the outing again. =)
Chombi The Makcik.
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