December 6, 2006

Training Dates

Girls, listen up, Khatu is on the 23rd of December, 11am at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, for those of you who still have no clue.

These are the training dates:

During the Term Test Week, try your best to make it. 2 hours of your study time is not too much to ask for, we all have our own personal commitment but time management, people.

Come for training, if you REALLY can't make it, inform Ain, Fish or me. Everyone is important, old or new members.

Inform your friends -who don't have internet access- of the training dates. We don't want to hear bullshits such as "I don't know there's training today" or "No one inform me".

If you are working, again, make some time. Competition is once, if you can't sacrifice your work for a 2 hour training for a 12 minute show, something is wrong up there.

SIP students: No matter how late you are, we hope you turn up for training.

Alumnis: You are IMPORTANT. We want you.

Note: Lagu Juara da dapat, yang tidak hadir on 5th (Tuesday) you might want to learn from these people:

Jaja, Ayu, Wani, Rusy, Nana, As, Dayah, Shaz, Farhana, Fish, Ain, Me.

Thanks alot for coming, really appreciate it.

Thank you.

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