September 28, 2006

Harap Maklom

Trng with PST will start this FRIDAY (29 SEPT 2006), 3-5PM. Jumpe di koi pond. Kalo dtg lmbt tu, pandai2 cari kite kat studio 4 or art space. Bagi yang tak bole dtg atas alasan2 kerja, aku paham, tapi make sure korang blaja dr kwn2 yg korang salu jumpe.

Please prepare yourselves for more N2T trng, as other than Deepa-Raya show, we have 2 other raya show. Pls take note:-

1. Raya show with Pasir Ris sec still pending.

2. MAG will have our Hari Raya gathering on 10 Nov 2006, 6.30 onwards @ Design Space (insya Allah).


  • CONCEPT: Raja+Hollywood
  • DRESSCODE/THEME: Glamour ala artist (Baju Raya is a must. + add glamour)
  • WE: will be performing an individual sub-group item, and it is very different from our Deepa-Raya set.

3. In early December, insya-Allah MAG will have our annual camp during the weekends. For those working tu, you should know what to do yuh.

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