Assalamualaikum...Hello darlings!
Kepade korang2 yg belom tau lagik, next Saturday, 31st May, ade competition dikir barat bagi yg berumur 12 tahun kebawah. Si Cilik lah yer... So, as Fid has mentioned, kepade sesiape yg nk beli tiket, sila hubungi sayer, Liyana, di hotline ini: 96274163 ataupun, Hidd, di hotline ini: 82231792, BY TUESDAY, 27 MAY. Please dont forget to indicate the number of tickets you want okay? oh. Tickets are priced at $8 for Si-tua-bangka and $5 for Si-comel-loteh (: Kalau ader yg nak bawak adik-adik, aah bawak lah. The more the merrier eh!
And before i forget, TRAINING RESUMES ON TUESDAY, 10 JUNE. Timing belom ditentukan sebab poll belom dibuat. Korang rajin2 lah yerr check blog nira. Kiter akan berehat selama 2 minggu sebab term test pon dah nak tiba. Belajar rajin2 eh sumer!(:
insya'allah kiter akan bertemu lagi...
May 25, 2008
May 23, 2008
plen kensel
harap maklom, SESI BERKARAOKE yg sepatotnyer diaderkan esok, CANCELLED ye, oleh kerane sebab2 tertentu.
we will make up for this another day aLrightsss people!
harap maklom, SESI BERKARAOKE yg sepatotnyer diaderkan esok, CANCELLED ye, oleh kerane sebab2 tertentu.
we will make up for this another day aLrightsss people!
meanwhile, please make it a routine to check this blog out tau eh.
apaper, kite update di sini.
sesiaper yg dah diupdate from here, please update those people yg anda tahu tk terupdate.
yar you know la, tak semuer kwn2 kiter yg ader internet connection di rumah kan. so they rarely check. so please eh.
terime kasih ye kwn2 :)
Yip Yip Aliens
Kalau korang wondering what Sesame Street characters were being referred to during Tuesday's training....
Jeng jeng jeng~
(sayer tgh ceret beret.. sebab tu byk sgt free time nk carik ni bende)
Yip yip yip yip yip yip~
Prrrrrrr Riiinnnggg~~
Jeng jeng jeng~
(sayer tgh ceret beret.. sebab tu byk sgt free time nk carik ni bende)
Yip yip yip yip yip yip~
Prrrrrrr Riiinnnggg~~
May 22, 2008
Idola Amerika
*transforms into Ryan Seacrest*
"The winner, by 12 million votes, of American Idol 2008 is......"
"The winner, by 12 million votes, of American Idol 2008 is......"
Dinamis Seni by Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
-Mendongak Ke Langit-
walau sejengkal, segunung disemai

14TH JUNE 2008,6.30PM
Ngee Ann Polytechnic's very own Malay Cultural Club; XPDTari (dance), SriNadi (drama), Cendekiawan (language) and Paduka & Adiratna (dikir barat) brings to you 'Mendongak Ke Langit: walau sejengkal, segunung disemai'. A production that evolves around a
Malay boy growing up in a conventional Malay community of Singapore in the 1960s. Bearing his mother’s words of wisdom in mind, we see not only the choices he made but also the ups and downs faced by the Malay society in a more artistic way yet comprehensible for the general audience.
We hope that with this production, we will be able to promote greater awareness of the Malay culture, thus instilling social and moral values for youths like us to be a more active and responsible
individual towards the community and also to our own elderly family members.
COME ON! Gather your families and friends and experience the promising and colourful performances that's filled with artistic value.
Who's invited? ALL OF YOU!!!
For sale of tickets and general enquiries, please contact Fahmi Reza @ 91110876 or Diana @ 97814665.
-Mendongak Ke Langit-
walau sejengkal, segunung disemai

14TH JUNE 2008,
Ngee Ann Polytechnic's very own Malay Cultural Club; XPDTari (dance), SriNadi (drama), Cendekiawan (language) and Paduka & Adiratna (dikir barat) brings to you 'Mendongak Ke Langit: walau sejengkal, segunung disemai'. A production that evolves around a
Malay boy growing up in a conventional Malay community of Singapore in the 1960s. Bearing his mother’s words of wisdom in mind, we see not only the choices he made but also the ups and downs faced by the Malay society in a more artistic way yet comprehensible for the general audience.
We hope that with this production, we will be able to promote greater awareness of the Malay culture, thus instilling social and moral values for youths like us to be a more active and responsible
individual towards the community and also to our own elderly family members.
COME ON! Gather your families and friends and experience the promising and colourful performances that's filled with artistic value.
Who's invited? ALL OF YOU!!!
For sale of tickets and general enquiries, please contact Fahmi Reza @ 91110876 or Diana @ 97814665.
May 18, 2008
Hello girls!
I hope all of you are in the best of health(:
Please be reminded that there will be training on Tuesday, 20 May and Thursday, 22 May. Report at Studio 2 by 6.30pm. I would really appreciate it if you girls come PUNCTUALLY and be dressed in your P.T attire before reporting to the studio.THAT INCLUDES PROPER SHOES! And yes, you girls are required to bring your P.T attire for EVERY training until further notice. It is IMPORTANT that everyone participates in the training that's been planned for all of you. This would definitely benefit you in time to come. Trust me.
For those of you who cannot make it for ANY of the trainings with VALID reasons, please be proactive enough to inform either hidd (82231792) or me (96274163) beforehand. Korang jangan lah tunggu sampai kiter call lepas tu baru nak bilang. Tak best eh macam gitu.
I understand that term test week is coming and all of us will definitely be busy with quizzes and projects, but we are all going through the same thing. Everyone is tired, everyone is busy tapi we would really appreciate it if you girls make an effort to come. Kalau nak kene balik siang pon takper, asalkan you come down and learn something. At least tak ketinggalan sangat.
So i'll see you girls on Tuesday at 6.30p.m, Studio 2.*wink wink*
I hope all of you are in the best of health(:
Please be reminded that there will be training on Tuesday, 20 May and Thursday, 22 May. Report at Studio 2 by 6.30pm. I would really appreciate it if you girls come PUNCTUALLY and be dressed in your P.T attire before reporting to the studio.THAT INCLUDES PROPER SHOES! And yes, you girls are required to bring your P.T attire for EVERY training until further notice. It is IMPORTANT that everyone participates in the training that's been planned for all of you. This would definitely benefit you in time to come. Trust me.
For those of you who cannot make it for ANY of the trainings with VALID reasons, please be proactive enough to inform either hidd (82231792) or me (96274163) beforehand. Korang jangan lah tunggu sampai kiter call lepas tu baru nak bilang. Tak best eh macam gitu.
I understand that term test week is coming and all of us will definitely be busy with quizzes and projects, but we are all going through the same thing. Everyone is tired, everyone is busy tapi we would really appreciate it if you girls make an effort to come. Kalau nak kene balik siang pon takper, asalkan you come down and learn something. At least tak ketinggalan sangat.
So i'll see you girls on Tuesday at 6.30p.m, Studio 2.*wink wink*
May 14, 2008
Hi, for those who are interested...
Persatuan Budaya Melayu (PERDAYU) Maktab Rendah Tampines (TPJC) akan mempersembahkan acara tahunan,
MANIFESTASI, sebuah pementasan gabungan drama dan budaya (tarian, dikir barat lelaki & wanita, kombo muzik tradisional).
MANIFESTASI, sebuah pementasan gabungan drama dan budaya (tarian, dikir barat lelaki & wanita, kombo muzik tradisional).
'Penemuan dalam Pertemuan'

Tarikh: 30 Mei 2008, Jumaat
Masa: 7.30 mlm
Tempat: Auditorium TPJC
Harga: $5
'Penemuan dalam Pertemuan' mengisahkan sebuah pelayaran yang bernakhodakan 4 remaja, berambut sama hitam, namun hati lain-lain.
Apakah pengembaraan mereka ini membawa sebarang erti? Pementasan ini bakal membawa penonton belayar ke satu perjalanan,
diselangi beberapa pertemuan yang dilauti pelbagai persoalan dan diakhiri pula dengan sebuah penemuan. Siapa yang bakal dipertemukan?
Apa yang akhirnya menjadi penemuan? Saksikanlah pelayaran yang penuh suspens dan misteri ini!
Untuk tempahan tiket atau sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi Arief (93397514), Muwahiddiin (93259870) atau Haizum (82343442).
Sokongan dan kehadiran anda amat dialu-alukan.
Kami mengharapkan kerjasama para hadirin supaya dapat mengenakan pakaian sopan agar dapat menghormati majlis.
Harap juga maklum bahawa pintu masuk auditorium akan ditutup pada jam 7.45 mlm.
Kami amat menghargai sekiranya hadirin tidak membawa bayi masuk ke dalam auditorium.
Terima kasih atas kerjasama anda.
Salam sayang,
Nur Izzati Bte Jasni
May 12, 2008
Training:Tuesday,13 May '08,6.30p.m
Please be reminded that there will be training tomorrow, at 6.30pm, STUDIO 2. On top of that, please remember to bring your P.T ATTIRE tomorrow okay?(comfortable shoes, t-shirt, trackpants or shorts.)It is important that you girls come for tomorrow's training. Oh and please please please be PUNCTUAL. To those who cant make it to trainings with a VALID reason, please have the initiative to inform either hidd or me beforehand.thank you very much!
So i'll see you girls tomorrow.
Please be reminded that there will be training tomorrow, at 6.30pm, STUDIO 2. On top of that, please remember to bring your P.T ATTIRE tomorrow okay?(comfortable shoes, t-shirt, trackpants or shorts.)It is important that you girls come for tomorrow's training. Oh and please please please be PUNCTUAL. To those who cant make it to trainings with a VALID reason, please have the initiative to inform either hidd or me beforehand.thank you very much!
So i'll see you girls tomorrow.
May 1, 2008
Orientation 08/09
Last Tuesday was our orientation.
We welcomed the new faces to Nira. Sambutan nyer bagus jugak uh. Thanks to Fid and Ainn for their presence. Yang lain-lain... datang lah eh. The more the merrier.
History in the making eh...
To those who missed out on orientation...
Tu la.. sape suro tak dtg? Kan rugi sendiri!
(spot sendiri eh kat gambar)


Nak tau lebih lanjut...? Lungsuri la ke training Nira minggu depan pada hari Selasa di Temasek Poly :)
We welcomed the new faces to Nira. Sambutan nyer bagus jugak uh. Thanks to Fid and Ainn for their presence. Yang lain-lain... datang lah eh. The more the merrier.
History in the making eh...
To those who missed out on orientation...
Tu la.. sape suro tak dtg? Kan rugi sendiri!
(spot sendiri eh kat gambar)


Nak tau lebih lanjut...? Lungsuri la ke training Nira minggu depan pada hari Selasa di Temasek Poly :)
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