Huh?! BIAR BETIK?!?!?!?!
We actually won the title? Again?! For real?!
I'm still in shock okay. OMG! WE WON!
Berkat kerja keras kami. Walaupun ader la hiccups here and there.. tapi tu somer pon dah abiss..
When I touched down Jakarta, dah on hp... dapat mesej dari akak Lela kiter..
Kiter dah dalam hati "Tak menang takpe. Janji jorjeous (gorgeous) on stage. LOL". So aku pun cepat2 la tepon ni akak Lela pakai hp mak kiter. (Maklomlah, hp kiter ni pakai prepaid. Dah tgl 61cent ajer. Seb baik auto-roam ader. At least ader up sikit.)
"Kiter menang pakaian terbaik?"
"Ak ah. And we won!"
"Wah, pakaian terbaik seyy!"
(Memandangkan Lela dgr kiter mcm tkde reaction gitu.. dier pon repeat la lagik. Lagipon kiter ni tak dgr aper Lela ckap)
"Huh? APER?!" (biar betik?)
"KITER DAPAT PIALA SRIKANDI! WE WON!" (background voice of FISH "3 tahun siaakkk")
(part ni suare kiter dah high pitch, kat dalam Jakarta airport, tgh carik luggage)
Kiter pon dah macam nak nangis time tu. Awww.. touching ke aper. Tak ku sangka seyy.. Seriously, tak sangka punyeerrrr...
Kiter pon dgn hati yang dah excited nak mampos, blg ah nenek dgn mak kiter. Tak lei angkat tau. Dah holiday kat Jakarta, aper lagi.. berseronok ah!
Tahniah Nira.
Segala kerja keras dan "sacrifices" yang dah dilakukan semuanya berbaloi.
(Aku luper sacrifice dalam bahasa mayoo aper. heh.)
Alhamdulillah.. Syukur
Sekarang korang2 somer boleh enjoy the "fruits of your labour".
Dah tak yah nak amik kunci kat sports hall dari budak PC (perangai Sai).
Dah tak yah nak mengigau, tepuk2 tangan buat ragam sewaktu tidur (perangai Fish).
Dah tak yah nak siram2 pokok sendirian (perangai Liyana).
Dah tak yah nak terkinja-kinja dengan kepak2 (perangai Caca).
Dah tak yah nak me-laku-kan perjualan mak Caca dengan mee maggi goreng nya (perangai SOOOMEERR)
Dah tak yah nak jalan straight line cam choo choo train nak pegi makan (perangai SOOMEERRR jugak)
Dah tak yah nak terjerit2 cam org tak siuman di bawah bridge(perangai awok2 dan juara)
Dah tak yah nak tengok gong stand jatuh 2 kali (tak nak sebut ah. lol)
Dah tak yah nak nangis2 lagi mcm budak2 emo (perangai SOMER yang sesuai dalam kategori ini)
Dan macam-macam "tak yah" lagik....
Korang enjoy2 la puas2 sebab 1 minggu holiday korang dah terpakai untuk Khatu. Selagi holiday ada, pergi enjoy eh.
Balak Khatu pon dah over. Apa lagi.. enjooooyyyyy...!!!
Mau pah outing?! 30th December? Picnic? Makan malam? Bermandi-manda di pantai? Response ASAP!
December 27, 2007
December 23, 2007
Syukur! =)
Hello girls! Alhamdulillah, kita dapat Piala Srikandi untuk tiga tahun berturut-turut. And pakaian terbaik keper.... heheh..

I dunno what else to say because I think what needs to be said has already been said on the night before the competition itself... =)
But thank you all... No matter how big or small your sacrifices for Nira is, you've all done your part. Thank you!

Now, read the verse of the wau bulan... You know what it means.. If we stay together, we can continue to bloom. Insya Allah....
* * * * *
This form was submitted: Dec 16 2007 / 06:46:44
FirstLastName = daNpaNda
Message = wish u girls all the best 4 the upcoming comp. :)
Nira says thank you for your wish!
This form was submitted: Dec 23 2007 / 01:32:25
FirstLastName = Endang
Email =
Message = HI NIRA GIRLS~! The Endang girls would like to say a big CONGRATS for winning the Kumpulan Wanita terbaik. Wish we could have seen your performance. Nevertheless, CONGRATS! =)
On behalf of Nira, thank you so much, and congrats to Endang too, for putting up a good show! =)

I dunno what else to say because I think what needs to be said has already been said on the night before the competition itself... =)
But thank you all... No matter how big or small your sacrifices for Nira is, you've all done your part. Thank you!
Now, read the verse of the wau bulan... You know what it means.. If we stay together, we can continue to bloom. Insya Allah....
This form was submitted: Dec 16 2007 / 06:46:44
FirstLastName = daNpaNda
Message = wish u girls all the best 4 the upcoming comp. :)
Nira says thank you for your wish!
This form was submitted: Dec 23 2007 / 01:32:25
FirstLastName = Endang
Email =
Message = HI NIRA GIRLS~! The Endang girls would like to say a big CONGRATS for winning the Kumpulan Wanita terbaik. Wish we could have seen your performance. Nevertheless, CONGRATS! =)
On behalf of Nira, thank you so much, and congrats to Endang too, for putting up a good show! =)
December 22, 2007
Cynthia Congratulates Nira
Hi Girls, our SDO Cynthia convey her congrats to us all.
She'll be reporting on our victory to her bosses this Monday.
3rd Consecutive Year.
On behalf of Exec Comm,
PS: I'll post the pictures once I'm back, I'm going off! Byeee~
(Bace blog gue eh)
She'll be reporting on our victory to her bosses this Monday.
3rd Consecutive Year.
On behalf of Exec Comm,
PS: I'll post the pictures once I'm back, I'm going off! Byeee~
(Bace blog gue eh)
Let's rock the stage! =)
To all those who have contributed, helped, assisted Nira
directly, indirectly, even unknowingly,
This is Caca, Fish's and my last Khatu as current students, so sad! Haha.
Okay Girls, see you later!!!
Let's rock the stage! =)
To all those who have contributed, helped, assisted Nira
directly, indirectly, even unknowingly,
This is Caca, Fish's and my last Khatu as current students, so sad! Haha.
Okay Girls, see you later!!!
December 17, 2007
December 12, 2007
SEAL Points
SEAL Points for PENTAS is rejected.
Relek ah. It will be re-entered.
So please, don't ask me stuffs. Just wait. We just love waiting right.
Mak tiri korang tak approve, so days ago, dah re-enter, nanti die da approve, then korang akan terima notice ok. Dah. Jangan tanye2 Akak lagi. Kalahkan Paparazzi korangs eh, intervee-yu Akak ni!
Ready for trainings? No really, TRAININGS?
SEAL Points for PENTAS is rejected.
Relek ah. It will be re-entered.
So please, don't ask me stuffs. Just wait. We just love waiting right.
Mak tiri korang tak approve, so days ago, dah re-enter, nanti die da approve, then korang akan terima notice ok. Dah. Jangan tanye2 Akak lagi. Kalahkan Paparazzi korangs eh, intervee-yu Akak ni!
Ready for trainings? No really, TRAININGS?
December 3, 2007
Persediaan untuk Piala Khatulistiwa 2007
Aku rasa, mesti korang2 somer busy dengan...
It's the last week of the term. Aku paham betapa busy nye korang sampai takde masa utk diri sendiri. Kesiaaaaaaannnnnn.....
Tapi kener ingat, we have to prepare for Piala Khatulistiwa 2007. Your names have been submitted and we are to start training ASAP. Aku paham korang nak belajar and all that, tapi we have to remember we have alot of brushing up to do for the competition. And when I say ALOT.. I really mean REALLY ALOT.
Aku nak korang punye co-operation yang sepenuh-penuhnye. Take trainings as a stress reliever from your school work. Seek understanding from your parents just for this month. Aku tau word "dikir" ni dah macam damned gitu. But please ah, kita kener belajar how to compromise.
So, for this week, trainings are on 4th and 6th December 2007, Tuesday and Thursday. For term test week, by Friday, 14th December 2007, or maybe Thursday, 13th December 2007, most of you would be done with most of your papers.
So for term test week, trainings would be on Thursday and Friday. If need be, we would have training on Saturday, 15th December 2007.
After the term test week,which is 17th - 22nd December, training would be EVERYDAY! That is already the Khatu week.Training would start at 12pm and will end around 8pm. Don't worry, we will have lunch together and such so don't get too stressed up just by looking at the times. We are losing out one day that is Hari Raya Haji which is on the 20th December(kambing punye pasal). So I want productive trainings before Khatulistiwa week itself.
Aku tau it's gonna be one hell of a week. Tapi seriously, attendance has been fucked up and I've been giving face for way too long. I do not want anyone not turning up for trainings unless you really come up with a good reason to excuse yourself from training. Don't assume I don't know things so please eh korang.. selagi korang takde alasan untuk bilang/"tipu" aku, aku nak korang attend trainings.
For trainings, wear comfortable attire because we will have physical trainings. So prepare for that.
With that, take note of the dates and I will see you girls in training. Let's strive for Piala Khatulistiwa! WOOHOO!
It's the last week of the term. Aku paham betapa busy nye korang sampai takde masa utk diri sendiri. Kesiaaaaaaannnnnn.....
Tapi kener ingat, we have to prepare for Piala Khatulistiwa 2007. Your names have been submitted and we are to start training ASAP. Aku paham korang nak belajar and all that, tapi we have to remember we have alot of brushing up to do for the competition. And when I say ALOT.. I really mean REALLY ALOT.
Aku nak korang punye co-operation yang sepenuh-penuhnye. Take trainings as a stress reliever from your school work. Seek understanding from your parents just for this month. Aku tau word "dikir" ni dah macam damned gitu. But please ah, kita kener belajar how to compromise.
So, for this week, trainings are on 4th and 6th December 2007, Tuesday and Thursday. For term test week, by Friday, 14th December 2007, or maybe Thursday, 13th December 2007, most of you would be done with most of your papers.
So for term test week, trainings would be on Thursday and Friday. If need be, we would have training on Saturday, 15th December 2007.
After the term test week,which is 17th - 22nd December, training would be EVERYDAY! That is already the Khatu week.Training would start at 12pm and will end around 8pm. Don't worry, we will have lunch together and such so don't get too stressed up just by looking at the times. We are losing out one day that is Hari Raya Haji which is on the 20th December(kambing punye pasal). So I want productive trainings before Khatulistiwa week itself.
Aku tau it's gonna be one hell of a week. Tapi seriously, attendance has been fucked up and I've been giving face for way too long. I do not want anyone not turning up for trainings unless you really come up with a good reason to excuse yourself from training. Don't assume I don't know things so please eh korang.. selagi korang takde alasan untuk bilang/"tipu" aku, aku nak korang attend trainings.
For trainings, wear comfortable attire because we will have physical trainings. So prepare for that.
With that, take note of the dates and I will see you girls in training. Let's strive for Piala Khatulistiwa! WOOHOO!
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